Sentences with phrase «if wakes»

Part of how to get your baby to sleep longer is his ability to go back to sleep if he wakes in the night.
If your child is old enough to make cereal or toast, you can get into a routine where he makes something for himself to eat if he wakes up early.
If she wakes up at times that are not feeding times, at first we would rock her to sleep.
Burping your baby should be one of the first things you try if she wakes up in the night.
If it wakes up in the midnight by any disruption, it can produce a little bit noises before coming back the sleep.
If you find that the 15 minutes come and go and she just continues playing and babbling, or if she wakes too early in the morning or in the middle of the night and doesn't fall back to sleep as a result of her new toy, she's not ready!
When a baby is able to fall asleep on his own, he is able to fall back to sleep if he wakes up during the night.
And now, she goes to sleep easily, sleeps deeply, falls back asleep at night with no problems if she wakes up for any reason, and I never resorted to letting her cry alone!
Currently we cosleep in my bed, but falling out is becoming a concern (if wakes up and crawls off).
If she wakes up around when we're going to bed, she joins us, and if not, my husbands gets her when she does wake up.
Make sure your child goes to the bathroom right before bed, and if she wakes up during the night, ask if she'd like to use the bathroom.
If he wakes up before we've landed, we let him watch Mickey Mouse on the iPad, have some snacks, and play with toys.
Tell her that if she wakes up in the middle of the night needing to go, she can call you for help.
Tell her that if she wakes up she can come quietly into your room.
If she wakes, she just wants me and won't settle with anyone else.
«It was a painful few days and we let him cry, but he finally learnt that he would not be able to have it if he wakes up in the middle of the night, and started sleeping through,» Lee said.
If he wakes and that source of comfort isn't there, he's likely to go looking for it.
In order to do so, your toddler has to know how to soothe himself back to sleep; if he wakes up at night and is scared because you're not there or because he's afraid of monsters or other imaginary problems, it will be hard for him to drop back off.
If he wakes up just talking to himself he will usually go back to sleep until 7 or 7:30 am.
Even when he is sick, I feel like his sleep is less disturbed because I nurse him back to sleep very quickly if he wakes.
BTW if she wakes up at EXACTLY the same time every night, she's probably not hungry.
We comfort him and put him back to bed, and most of the time, he starts to cry again if he wakes up.
My daughter now adores her crib — she sleeps happily there and is content there for stretches if she wakes up but I can't go get her immediately.
So when you put your baby down, don't take her out of the crib for a full hour even if she wakes up before that.
Still happens that he sleeps with me though, if he wakes up during the night and won't fall back asleep again, I just put him next to me on my bed and we continue sleeping.
My question is, if she wakes up 30 minutes before it is time to eat, and I wait until her regular time to eat, how long should I keep her up after she eats before her next nap time.
I can get up and sneak away once he's asleep, but he cries if he wakes up and we're not there.
If he wakes cranky after an hour I would go to him, reassure him but tell him its not time to wake up.
If he wakes too early and presses the owl's button, the face will glow yellow and tell him to go back to sleep.
The night before yesterday she woke up at 4 am and usaully she goes back to sleep if she wakes.
I started by making her waketime 1.40 min and then going up with 5 min each time, if that is not working I'll go back until she sleeps 1.5 hours and up... If she wakes up earlier is it because she was in bed to early or to late.
on a good day i can tell when he is ready for a nap because of his cues but if he wakes up to ealy or too late i miss it.
If she wakes early, I am NOT supposed to let her CIO or am I?
A good rule of thumb is to attend to the first child who wakes, and if he wakes the other go and attend to the other child.
Also if she wakes in night how long should I feed before attempting to put her down?
Learn how to fine - tune your baby's sleep schedule — and get him to go back to sleep if he wakes up.
If he wakes up and it's more than a tension - release fussing / wiggling (aka actual crying that is ready to escalate), repeat the last two steps of hand pressure and restart the music / mobile / whatever.
If he wakes up at 6, he needs to be napping by noon.)
You can also remove her socks or her clothing to see if that wakes her up a little bit.
For example, on the first night you might check on your child after he has been crying for 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and then 10 minutes, with 10 minutes being the maximum interval if you have to keep checking on him, although the intervals would restart at 3 minutes if he wakes up again later.
Maybe they think they'll catch him if he wakes up, crawls out of his crib and sits in the rocker to watch «Real Housewives of New Jersey.»
If she wakes up realizing these are gone, she will go frantic and scream
I can't say that every night he sleeps perfectly, BUT if he wakes up at 5 I go in there and tell him his SleepBuddy is still blue and he goes back to bed sometimes not waking up until 7 even though it's set for 6.
If she wakes up «on the wrong side of the bed» the culprit is most likely that her naps / bedtime hour are not in line with her biological rhythms.
If he wakes in the middle of the night, we go to him and comfort him.
If she wakes up in the middle of the night, the sounds and lights in the room should be the same as when she fell asleep.
If she wakes easily, you can take steps to make wet diapers less of an irritant and increase the chance that she'll sleep through the night.
If she wakes up in the middle of the night and refuses to go back to sleep without a feed, then you can try soothing her with a cuddle or offer her a drink of water.
Remind her at bedtime that this is her «sleepy bear» and if she wakes up, all she has to do is cuddle him and that can help her fall back asleep.
In addition, if you wait in his room until he falls asleep and then tiptoe away, your child will wonder where you are if he wakes up during the night.
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