Sentences with phrase «if we start»

If you start gathering a database you should have a great list in no time.
Now I also understand that if you started with a free email address, it can be incredibly painful to get switch everyone over to emailing you at your new professional address.
If your start date is at least six months away, start contributing to a fund each month.
If you start looking at the math, if the U.S. was as developed as Canada probably you could open 2,300 stores in U.S..
For example, if I started as an online marketing professional by facing a traffic challenge on a small - time ecommerce site, I can tell that story, while providing a lot of great advice.
In the meantime, it's nice to know that if you're in your mid-40s, it might be tough to get venture capital funding — but if you start a business there's a good chance it will do just fine.
If you follow the scientific method, if you're regularly spot - testing your hypothesis — even if you start with a dumb hypothesis — you have the opportunity to get better.
If you start early, you see greater returns over the long term.
How will your life change if you start working out, write that book, invest in an opportunity?
If you haven't heard from one, don't be surprised if you start getting mail for their products.
«If you start with the robot and add cleaning systems to it, you'll always end up compromising.»
Sometimes if I start to falter, I can look back at my 26 - year - old self.
Even if it starts as a side hustle, identify what you want to succeed at and get going, LaCola says: «Remember, Wu Tang started selling their album out of the trunk of a car on Staten Island.»
«If you start making payments and then realize you don't want the product, you might get a refund minus the cancellation fee,» said Jespersen of NerdWallet.
As Dave Hackenburg, who runs an industrial pollination services company in Pennsylvania, says, «If you start shortening lives of bees, just by a few days, young bees have to go to the field earlier, and the whole thing gets messed up.»
If you start yawning when you read it, it's time to make a change by making it shorter, tighter and more inspirational.
If you start by opening PowerPoint and haphazardly typing bullet points, you're off to a rough start, says Adam Sigel, a Boston - based product manager at New York City - based streaming TV startup Aereo, and teacher of Skillshare's Slide Chi: Advanced PowerPoint Design / Workshop Class.
If it starts as a mini-issue, address it in an all - hands meeting without pointing out specific culprits.
If you start a company with someone else, you are moving into a relationship that is very much like a marriage.
Openly admitting to what he would do differently if he started his career over, Watson told his LinkedIn readers:
We actually need a system where if you start a company and you fail, there is always another place for you to go.
«Even if he starts putting aside $ 10 a week, at least he's making progress,» says Mackenzie.
The way I understood entrepreneurship, if you started a software company that eventually sold a billion - dollars» worth of software and employed 20,000 people, you were an entrepreneur.
As a result, if we start to actually see new tools being tested or implemented (like Lightning), it would go a long way to proving the bullish thesis that bitcoin can be as innovative as other cryptocurrencies, like ethereum.
If you start small, it may not feel so daunting.
«The Canadian regulators could make life a lot better for Canadians if they started to really pay attention to what's happening in the U.S.,» he said.
So if you start losing that commerce for want of not making those investments — so that's the «why» piece there as well.
«It would be very hurtful to the show if I started to believe that I had influence.
One thing you can be sure about, however, is that if you start receiving negative feedback and ratings from your guests, it'll become harder for you as a host to generate bookings, as guests who are savvy using the Airbnb service will know to seek out accommodations that have received better reviews and ratings from past guests.
«And I knew that if I started college, I'd be able to take as many classes as I wanted to in the disciplines that I wanted.
If you start a team without an asset like Kyle, it's hard to attract financial support.
The reason we didn't quit is if you start a company, very simply, you have to know something no one else knows about your business.
«If you have to use small text, use it sparingly, and it always helps to increase the line height of bodies of small text if it starts to become hard to read.»
If you started out with 140 characters, some will get lopped off at the end to make room for these additions.
Who cares if you start a sentence with «and»?
If you start a business on your own without this kind of support system, you can certainly still succeed — you just might have to work a little harder on the hobnobbing front.
If you start to veer toward hubris or just plain lie, those bluffs can get you into trouble.
It's never pleasant commuting in 90 - degree weather, but if you start fighting the heat at your feet, it can be more manageable.
If you start getting more traffic, that could cause a problem.»
If a start - up went public, consistently operated at a profit, or was sold for more money than it raised, it was deemed successful for the purposes of the research.
If you start the negotiation by understanding your desired outcome, you'll have a good understanding of when the deal is no longer valuable for you.
But some are arguing that the Belgians should ignore the Walloons even if that starts an internal constitutional fight.
In a related issue, Google had to remove one of its «auto - complete» suggestions last year because a number of users found that if they started typing the words «Are Jews» into the search box, one of the recommendations was «Are Jews evil?»
Always be ready to walk away from the person if you start having concerns.
The app syncs your books across devices, so if I start reading on my physical Kindle, it picks up where I left off in the app.
If I start suggesting that I will only purchase goods and services from a Democrat or a Republican, or only listen to your pitch if you agree with my political view, I have draw a line in the sand that doesn't really make sense.
«The players need to be on board because if they start deserting and saying, «we're going to skip the China stops», then the tour plans for the European tour and the PGA tour can't grow,» Dreyer said.
In fact, if you start looking for them, stories about the lingering crisis start popping up everywhere, as often as not alongside pieces touting the recovery.
If you are of the mindset that your name can be changed down the road, consider how much easier it will be and how much brand equity you can retain if you start with the right name.
And don't worry — my children will be the first to tell me if I start losing some mental ability.
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