Sentences with phrase «if you think something»

If you think something will work, say it will work.
Even if you think something is morally wrong, it may be morally okay for someone else leading you to remove some of their liberties if you get your law based on your morals passed.
Socrates argued that just as, if someone is thinking he must think something and if he thinks something, it must be something real, so someone who paints must paint something and someone who paints something must paint somethingreal.
If they think something is worth supporting, let them find private funding instead of mandating, under whatever guise, via the government that their will be done.
Health advice: follow your gut instinct... if you think something is wrong, it probably is.
He said to me, «You know your body better than anyone, including me, so if you think something is not right, it probably isn't.
If you think something is wrong, with you or your child, there probably is something wrong.
Having these items around is a really good idea, but you should always ask for your doctor's opinion if you think something might be wrong.
Even if you think something worked weeks before test it again.
If you think something is wrong, push on those doctors and nurses as hard as you can to make sure, until you feel that you're being taken care of, that baby's being taken care of.
Unfortunately, this can cause anxiety for parents, especially if they think something is wrong with their baby.
The last thing you want is for people to come rushing over a panic if they think something is wrong or that you're withholding something.
They are usually okay, but definitely call your doctor if you think something is wrong.
If you think something is wrong, and you need to speak to your pediatrician, you should absolutely call.
Don't hesitate to call your healthcare provider if you think something may be wrong.
Like this post says, if you THINK something is wrong, don't wait!
If he thinks something needs to change let him introduce general legislation, not target his criticism at a specific political (now defeated) rival.
If you think something is right to do, don't wait for it to be proved a few months into the government, when backbench and frontbench aren't talking to each other properly, get on and do it, and ask the party to make that change.
«You know, if I thought something was funny, it's a toss - up whether I'd tell you, even while I was medicated,» said Einen.
One thing I know: If you think something is wrong, be as tenacious as you have to be until someone takes you seriously.
You know if you think that something is good for you and you do it chances are it's going to have a benefit, and if you think something is bad for you then chances are it's going to be somehow negative and not having that same benefit.
If we think something often enough, we begin to believe it's true and our feelings match what we are thinking about ourselves.
Cutesy - ness:: If you think something is cute in the U.S., Koreans have probably found a way to make it more adorable.
If you think something is missing, contact us and we'll add it.
Let me know if you agree with me, or if you think something is missing by leaving a comment or sending an email!
If you think something like this would be to overwhelming for you, there is also the idea of adding a belt.
Buy a new navy, black, or gray suit and wear it on your first day — even if you think something you used to wear is a classic there are little design trends that can make you look dated, whether it's a puff shoulder or a shawl lapel.
Even if you think something is funny and meant lightly, it will not be well received.
If I think something, someone else is gonna hear it.
Always opt for your gut instinct, if you think something is wrong then you shouldn't be afraid to the entire factor off.
Trust your instincts, if you think something is wrong, you should politely make an excuse and leave.
If they think something is wobbling and not working they can usually trace back to a mismatch between soft and hard systems.»
No it doesn't, but a parent has the right to decide if they think something is appropriate for their child.
If you think something may not make sense, make a note.
If you think something is going less than perfect, feel free to contact our Customer Support and get all your doubts sorted out.
I do talk to alot of people on Twitter, authors and readers alike, and I am not always super-aware of my online presence; if I think something is crap I'll sometimes express that opinion, which is perhaps not advisable!
You can review your order at any time and if you think something should be changed in your CV, the revision will be done free of charge.
Even my proofreader, I say to my proofreader, «if anything, if you want to just leave any comments, you can leave comments as well; or if you think something just stands out, just add that too.»
«Even if they think something is right, it might turn out not to be.»
Here's the low - down with your thoughts — if you think something over and over, accept it as truth and attach emotion to it, it becomes belief.
If you think something like that could never happen to you, you're -LSB-...]
Golden Retrieves excel at performance sports and competitive events, so don't be scared if you think something maybe too difficult for them to learn.
If you think something's bothering your dog's tummy, the first thing you should do is cut all the extras out of her diet.
If you think something may be wrong, note the symptoms and call your veterinarian.
If you think something just isn't right, even if you can't put your finger on it, it is best to have your pig checked out by a vet.
See below for the most common types of dog health issues and make sure to take immediate action if you think something serious is wrong with your dog.
It's always important to note any changes in your cat's behavior, and if you think something may be wrong, note the symptoms and call your veterinarian.
If you think something isn't working, don't waste your time trying to fix it.
If you think something is working properly in your game, test it to see if the players think the same.
If we think something is going to be a lot of fun to play, then we're going to try to make something along those lines.»
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