Sentences with phrase «if your baby does»

If the baby did die in that process, then we'd mourn for it.
After the appointment ended and hours of crying, I finally had words for my husband: «If our baby doesn't survive, I can't do this again.
If baby doesn't have dairy sensitivities, butter is a great source of the fats that babies need.
Anything up to 10 % is fine and in that case they only worry if the baby doesn't regain its birth weight at the end of two weeks.
If your baby does fall asleep on your chest, it is best to put them down on their back to sleep right away.
If your baby doesn't agree with it, you could try this instead before switching to a soy - based formula.
If your baby doesn't burp after a few minutes, you can try to change his burping position.
If baby doesn't take it all, they often throw the rest away.
But what if your baby does not finish the bottle during that feeding?
The second recommendation would be to treat your milk as if your baby did mind it.
If your baby doesn't seem to have any dry patches, it may not be necessary.
If your baby doesn't seem to be as sensitive to cow milk, but suffers from regular or occasional constipation, Hipp Bio Combiotik is another option.
(Of course, if your baby does have a bad diaper rash, then go ahead and change!)
If your baby does not feel safe, he will not learn.
If your baby does seem to be constipated, I agree completely with how you are dealing with the situation.
Don't worry if your baby doesn't eat a lot at first, or has trouble liking new foods, with practice and patience, he'll get the hang of it.
If babies do not like tummy time, do not stop the practice as this is vital for the development and growth of their upper body and neck muscles.
So, if your baby doesn't like to sleep yet, it could be that they are feeling active and they want to stay awake for a while.
And a DF can start to disrupt sleep if your baby doesn't need it anymore.
God gives us hard situations because He's sure we have the resouces to go through them, but I'm just not sure if babies do, when all they can appeal to is us!
If your baby does not do this then count your lucky stars and do a happy dance.
Even if your baby doesn't impress you with a full feeding right away, take what she gives you and see what happens at the next one.
Therefore, do not be alarmed if your baby does not appreciate what another baby does.
Mothers may experience sleepless nights if their babies don't go to sleep easily.
If your baby does, then this relieves you of spending the time warming the milk.
You shouldn't worry if your baby doesn't eat much at the beginning and be patient while the baby struggles with the solid food initially.
This is when many people first start working with their children on baby led weaning, but remember that if your baby doesn't seem interested in the process at this time, that's okay.
If baby does not finish milk at one feeding, it is probably safe to refrigerate and offer within 1 - 2 hours before it is discarded.
You would hate to just throw that money and time down the drain if your baby doesn't finish the bottle you have prepared.
On the other hand, spotting potential problems sooner rather than later is important if your baby does have a genuine developmental delay.
If your baby does not open his mouth, express a small amount of milk from your nipple and run your nipple across his mouth.
The theory is that if your baby doesn't finish the bottle, that milk should be discarded immediately due to the greater possibility of bacterial contamination over time.
If your baby doesn't cry spontaneously at birth, stimulate him by firmly rubbing up and down his back.
If your baby doesn't like to be held (there are actually babies who don't; come to find out) then try a sling or a baby carrier.
If the baby does not take the breast right away, do not panic.
On the other hand, if your baby does not regularly pass stool, this does not necessarily mean that he is constipated and needs more hydration.
If your baby doesn't move around yet, you can even bring him (check that it is allowed).
It's also important not to give up trying if your baby does get distressed with a stranger.
If your baby does not seem to like tummy time, offer Tummy TimeTM instead.
And soon, even if your baby doesn't show any of the signs on the list, your intuition will let you know when Baby needs to sleep.
There is no need for concern and no need to persist if the baby doesn't want the cereal.
If your baby does not seem to be satisfied with only breast milk / formula, they are sitting upright, seems interested and is showing signs of smacking their gums, they could be ready.
And then you want to fully drain your breast, so you can actually pump the rest if baby does not drain fully on the breast.
If your baby doesn't latch, express a drop of milk onto your nipple.
Freeze expressed breastmilk in 2 ounce increments - it's pretty easy to thaw more if needed, and less likely that you'll need to waste much if baby doesn't finish the bottle.
If the baby does get sick, which is possible, he is likely to get less sick than if breastfeeding had stopped.
If your baby does need to be taken from your for special medical care, your partner or attendant can go with him.
Speaking with a perinatal hospice expert can help you learn what to expect if your baby does not survive to hospital discharge, and help you decide what types of interventions you want for your baby.
If your baby doesn't wake to feed at least every 3 hours, go ahead and remind him to eat.
If your baby does wake and responds to you while screaming, she might be having nightmares rather than night terrors.
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