Sentences with phrase «ignorance of others»

If you are still trapped in the cultural hate barrier or have ignorance of other culture or worst fear of foreign societies do not go for dating Interracial.
Isolated ignorance of other faiths is both socially irresponsible and religiously foolish.
Second, it was based on ignorance of other religions and religious cultures and an unthinking devaluation of them as satanic or idolatrous only and would soon disappear as superstitious and inhuman.
Whatever we may think of these responses, however, the theological community today has come to substantive agreement on this point: isolated ignorance of other faiths is both socially irresponsible and religiously foolish.
The courts of the Northern Territory when sentencing an Aboriginal offender properly take into account whether he or she has received tribal punishment and whether what he or she has done has been in accordance with Aboriginal customary law and in ignorance of the other laws of the Northern Territory.
Eliminating ignorance of other beliefs, though that seems lost on you.
I'm agnostic / atheist but I'd just like to say that the ignorance of other atheists is embarrassing — just to clear something up the cause of most wars is not religion, certainly not over the past 100 years.
Your other questions that you asked are not even worth the time to address as they reflect poorly on your caliber and show your ignorance of other faiths besides Christianity (might be the only thing you know of and hence your anger at anything besides that which you figured has its own issues).
I hear ya», Damocles, I often let a lot of them go, but when someone is casting aspersions about the ignorance of others, while blaring it themselves, I sometimes can't resist...
Yes, it's an easy way to make a living — cashing in in the ignorance of others has always been a lucrative strategy.
He makes a VERY nice living feeding off the ignorance of others.
Don't suffocate who u r because of the ignorance of others #courage #support #mambaarmystandup #BYOU
Let it go fellas, no point dwelling on the ignorance of others.
Her preoccupation with attachment issues and ignorance of others» needs was an adaption to her fear.
Ignorance of others will not stop my daughter from the miraculousness of her mother's milk and God's design of delivery, it shouldn't stop any mother.
If they know the law (a more likely scenario) then they are duplicitously relying on the ignorance of others.
I am fed up with hearing how some authors, publishers, distributors, and literary agents operate under wrongful assumptions — or, worse — feed the ignorance of others by spewing bad advice.
The Court also stated that «allowing discrimination based on the contagious effects of a physical impairment would be inconsistent with the basis purpose [of the Act], which is to ensure that handicapped individuals are not denied jobs or other benefits because of the prejudiced attitudes or the ignorance of others
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