Sentences with phrase «ignores political reality»

[H] is well - argued book ignores political reality.
Armand White, New York Press: Kaufman «Äôs artiness ignores political reality «Äîfurther congratulating hipsters who prefer Todd Haynes «Äìstyle narcissism to Todd Solondz «Äôs humane sociological explorations (Kaufman imitates both)... Pity those nerds and fashion - sheep who'll waste time trying to connect Kaufman «Äôs symbols, cite the many David Lynch references and puzzle for ways to use «Äúsynecdoche «Äù in daily conversation.
But I find Gore's essay mostly a rehashed and padded sermon to the converted, with heaps of boilerplate on the science and information wars and very little beyond a plea to Obama to ignore political realities and return climate to his to - do list and a tired invocation to concerned Americans to «reduce energy use,» «join an organization,» «contact your local newspapers» and the like.

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For one thing, it means one isn't Jean - Paul Sartre, the «archetypal example» of anti-political, «literary politics,» a manner of «engaging with political life that deliberately... ignored reality and that preferred to remain on the level of an abstract theory or a kind of pure, contentless moralizing.»
Such an oversimplification ignores the biographical, religious and political realities running through the history of Christian missions during the «great century» and long before, as missionaries have, in the name of Jesus, striven to understand and learned to respect the particularities of the cultures to which they have come.
The alleged subordination of the gospel to Karl Marx is illustrated, for example, by charging that «false» liberation theology concentrates too much on a few selected biblical texts that are always given a political meaning, leading to an overemphasis on «material» poverty and neglecting other kinds of poverty; that this leads to a «temporal messianism» that confuses the Kingdom of God with a purely «earthly» new society, so that the gospel is collapsed into nothing but political endeavor; that the emphasis on social sin and structural evil leads to an ignoring or forgetting of the reality of personal sin; that everything is reduced to praxis (the interplay of action and reflection) as the only criterion of faith, so that the notion of truth is compromised; and that the emphasis on communidades de base sets a so - called «people's church» against the hierarchy.
Political actors at all levels ignore this new reality at their own peril.
In international relations there is sometimes a situation of political make - believe whereby states conduct themselves in a manner that actively and consciously ignores reality.
An earnest, top - down effort to make the voters listen to sense and political reality, with a brusque appeal to ignore the romantic, siren voices.
Commentators are often guilty of accepting political rhetoric at face value while ignoring the reality behind it.
«In terms of ignoring the nuance of reality and trying to go back to just political ideals and humanist ideals, yeah, it's like the Tea Party,» Charles Kopel told CBS 2's Lou Young.
I've also however long suspected that the notion was over-hyped and ignored some very basic political realities.
Articles like this one do not reflect the reality of our compliance practices and they completely ignore the larger mission of CCSA Advocates, which is to build political will for positive changes in the public education system that will help all students succeed.
The major institutions of New York could no longer ignore their own exclusions of artists of color and the political realities around them.
To assume America can repeat the import philosophy on natural gas that it has pursued for decades in oil is to ignore the new political, economic and geologic realities of the world.
Mr. Rappoport's idea may be a bit novel, but it ignores economic, demographic, and political realities.
For a moment, think of the single - minded pursuit of dollars, political power and privileges to profligately consume and righteously ignore the requirements of practical reality as our raison d'etre.
Not just individual sciences but science as an institution is in dire straits because the idea of understanding reality at a fundamental level has been discarded in favour of far more mundane attractions like money, social allies, and political support where a genuinely scientific granting body would ignore or reduce support in order to foster wider research.
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