Sentences with phrase «ill children as»

Leading artists (such as Gillian Wearing and Michael Landy) have been asked to create works inspired by the wishes of these seriously ill children as part of a project called The Art of Wishes.

Not exact matches

The emergency calls that the police received from the home included incidents categorized as «mentally ill person,» «child / elderly abuse,» «domestic disturbance» and «missing person.»
«We received some drinking water on the 28th [of September] but it is already finished, and I can't let the children drink water from the river as they might get ill.
«We received some drinking water on the 28th [September] but it is already finished, and I can't let the children drink water from the river as they might get ill.
As more and more children get removed from the old ways of indoctrinating them all with religious belief from an early age, then atheism will become the norm, and religion the refuge of the minorities of the mentally ill and the lame seekers of cargo cults.
it's comical how religion can take a person with little more than a grade school education — and elevate their mind to the level where they literally believe they can argue subjects for which they are so completely ill - equipped — that virtually everything they posit seems as if it's coming from an 8 year old child.
Given that the vatican is populated by mentally ill delusional liars, I can think of many worse things, such as the abuse of innocent children and protecting their abusers, than its destruction.
I was molested as a child and it has left no damage or ill feelings toward the perpetrators.
Among them are the rights to: bullet joint parenting; bullet joint adoption; bullet joint foster care, custody, and visitation (including non-biological parents); bullet status as next - of - kin for hospital visits and medical decisions where one partner is too ill to be competent; bullet joint insurance policies for home, auto and health; bullet dissolution and divorce protections such as community property and child support; bullet immigration and residency for partners from other countries; bullet inheritance automatically in the absence of a will; bullet joint leases with automatic renewal rights in the event one partner dies or leaves the house or apartment; bullet inheritance of jointly - owned real and personal property through the right of survivorship (which avoids the time and expense and taxes in probate); bullet benefits such as annuities, pension plans, Social Security, and Medicare; bullet spousal exemptions to property tax increases upon the death of one partner who is a co-owner of the home; bullet veterans» discounts on medical care, education, and home loans; joint filing of tax returns; bullet joint filing of customs claims when traveling; bullet wrongful death benefits for a surviving partner and children; bullet bereavement or sick leave to care for a partner or child; bullet decision - making power with respect to whether a deceased partner will be cremated or not and where to bury him or her; bullet crime victims» recovery benefits; bullet loss of consortium tort benefits; bullet domestic violence protection orders; bullet judicial protections and evidentiary immunity; bullet and more...
We witness examples of such devastation in our countries such as through the use of chemical pesticides and even fertilizers, the deporting of our mineral wealth by mining transnational corporations, the exploitation of our workers, women and children and the ill - effects of drugs, arms sales and even of some types of tourism.
Yes child molest - ers need to «CHANGE» castrate themselves or if they can not control themselves should end their lives... some sickness are terminal... religious folks make me just as ill as child molest - ers
For so far as the child is concerned, one does not talk about despair but only about ill - temper, because one has only a right to assume that the eternal is present in the child, and has never a right to demand it of the child, as one has a right to demand it of the grown man, to whom it applies that he shall have it.
I agree; alchohol is universally accepted while it is the source of so many social ills and suffering (especially by children - as a teacher I see how much they go through); it is marketed to all, available and destructive.
As a child I used to suffer tortures of shyness, and if my shoe - lace was untied would feel shamefacedly that every eye was fixed on the unlucky string; as a girl I would shrink away from strangers and think myself unwanted and unliked, so that I was full of eager gratitude to any one who noticed me kindly; as the young mistress of a house I was afraid of my servants, and would let careless work pass rather than bear the pain of reproving the ill - doer; when I have been lecturing and debating with no lack of spirit on the platform, I have preferred to go without what I wanted at the hotel rather than to ring and make the waiter fetch iAs a child I used to suffer tortures of shyness, and if my shoe - lace was untied would feel shamefacedly that every eye was fixed on the unlucky string; as a girl I would shrink away from strangers and think myself unwanted and unliked, so that I was full of eager gratitude to any one who noticed me kindly; as the young mistress of a house I was afraid of my servants, and would let careless work pass rather than bear the pain of reproving the ill - doer; when I have been lecturing and debating with no lack of spirit on the platform, I have preferred to go without what I wanted at the hotel rather than to ring and make the waiter fetch ias a girl I would shrink away from strangers and think myself unwanted and unliked, so that I was full of eager gratitude to any one who noticed me kindly; as the young mistress of a house I was afraid of my servants, and would let careless work pass rather than bear the pain of reproving the ill - doer; when I have been lecturing and debating with no lack of spirit on the platform, I have preferred to go without what I wanted at the hotel rather than to ring and make the waiter fetch ias the young mistress of a house I was afraid of my servants, and would let careless work pass rather than bear the pain of reproving the ill - doer; when I have been lecturing and debating with no lack of spirit on the platform, I have preferred to go without what I wanted at the hotel rather than to ring and make the waiter fetch it.
Anyone that reads your «explanation» will see that you're more mentally ill than most, have no problem with children being ki11ed because they're «unclean» while their sisters aren't so unclean as to marry them off to the men who ki11ed their families.
We have little trouble finding the «truly unable», such as desperately sick people, the mentally ill, some of the homeless, and the recently bereaved (such as loss of spouse or child).
Do we not do the same when we are disciplined by our parents as children or by our employer when we call ourselves adults, don't we want to «get our own back» don't we relish it when they become ill or have an accident and we say «it serves them right» justice has been done.
In the meantime, blogger Liza Long wrote a hyper - viral piece titled «I Am Adam Lanza's Mother,» detailing her experiences as the mother of a mentally ill child, making the case that help for the mentally ill, not gun control, is the solution...
Hosea understands himself to be called to take as wife a woman of ill repute — a whore, an adulteress — by whom he fathers three children with symbolic names: the Punished One (Jezreel), No Mercy (Lo Ruuhamah), and Not My People (Lo Ammi)(1:6 — 9).
To this I can only reply that this is what I myself was taught, first, as part of instruction given in my parish as a child and later, with many refinements and qualifications, in lectures in theology as an ordinand — although I should add that my teacher was himself, quite obviously, very ill at ease about the scheme, left it to the very end of his course, and even then touched upon it gingerly.
go to your local church... tell them jesus spoke to you and said «go my child as the local church will get you all the help you need for your ills and will help make all the arrangments needed for your household while to mend.»
We ought to understand, of any such incomprehensible moment of time, that the participants themselves would be unable to answer the question, «Exactly what happened»» The pursued were an ill - organized, virtually unarmed, and now panic - ridden column of walking men, women, children, flocks, bearing such conglomerate and awkward possessions as could not or would not be left behind.
While «children are being murdered» the president has «done worse than nothing», he said, adding that «one of your very first acts as president was to roll back the regulations that were designed to keep firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill».
Maybe it doesn't matter which parent walks away as long as it's done for the kids» benefit, because staying would subject them to bad parental behaviors; children who grow up with an alcoholic or mentally ill parent often suffer.
Regnerus (the same sociologist behind a controversial study of how children of same - sex couples fare) says cheap sex — sex with little cost as far as time or emotional investment — is behind a host of societal ills, from fewer people marrying to the rise of unmarriageable men to more people living together to more children being born outside of marriage — you get the idea.
«Too often we see these children as «mentally ill» or «behaviorally oppositional, when in reality, it's not what's wrong with them, it's what happened to them,» he explains.
Putting your child in a booster seat too early can cause damage as can an ill - fitting booster seat.
As working parents, we feel that doing research and striving to make the best decisions on behalf of our children takes far less time than parenting a chronically ill child.
I'm not one to talk ill about what works for another parent and his or her child, as there's definitely more than one way to parent.
«I had to wean my baby unexpectedly when I got ill, and I turned to the group for advice on how to handle this as well as tips for allowing my mother to take over my child's care while I was ill.
As part of the week leading up to that, during one circle time, Mikey's teachers taught them about sickness and health, and asked the kids what they would do to help another child who was seriously ill.
Heralded as a major innovation in pediatric medicine, the mission of the hospital ship was to take ill urban children out onto the harbor to experience the healing qualities of fresh sea air and sunshine.
Additionally, you should never use aspirin based products as they can leak into your milk supply and cause your child to become very ill.
My mother was terminally ill, and 10,000 miles away when I gave birth to my first child — her first grandchild, as I am an only child — by C / S.
He likes to watch you as you care for him with a mother's competence, and just the sound you make as you go about your sickroom duties can bring a great deal of consolation to the ill child.
From 6 months to 2 years, the AAP recommends considering observation without antibiotics, as long as the child isn't severely ill.
And if there are later consequences from a decision not to breastfeed, such as a child who becomes ill with a condition that may have been prevented, the emotion felt is not guilt - but regret.
And if the child does become ill or does get hurt (and they do as they meet other children and become more daring), what easier way to comfort the child than breastfeeding?
I don't believe at all, that their intentions in these statements to be of ill will or for lack of care towards children but in fact the point being, it should not be up to a Government to decide what OUR children eat, but up to the parents as well as the schools to TEACH and EDUCATE our children on how to make smart choices.
The unmarried mother's story about giving birth to a child diagnosed as terminally ill in the womb hit a major nerve on the Internet.
They told me that in fact I had saved my child from a hospital visit / becoming very ill as he refuses to eat or drink pretty much anything except breastmilk when he is ill.
Sometimes, mothers try to wear charms to their babies as a belief to protect their children from evil and ill health conditions.
As an educated, well read, thinking person, I'm embarrassed that I risked my child's health to follow one man's ill - founded conjecture.
When you have a critically ill newborn, you want to stay as close to your child as possible.
By teaching your children the right lessons on basic hygiene and how germs and bacteria are spread from one person to another, they will be able to avoid getting the flu, and that will help prevent the rest of your family from falling ill as well.
As a parent, you never want to see your children ill, but thankfully there are great hospitals like Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center inchildren ill, but thankfully there are great hospitals like Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center inChildren at Tufts Medical Center in Boston.
If she will not drink anything, this might be a sign that the child is very ill or that the problem is not just gastro, and the child needs to be seen by a doctor as soon as possible.
There is conclusive evidence that breastfeeding protects children against gastrointestinal and respiratory infections.1 This obviously has major implications for child development, as children who become ill more frequently are unlikely to have optimal physical, intellectual and psycho - emotional development.
Yet just as he has tossed away hundereds of millions while he is busy pontificated about national issues, he cuts programs for the elderly; for disabled children and the mentally ill.
Ultimately the exploitation of animals for human ends must be stopped — just as slavery, child labour and other social ills have been.
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