Sentences with phrase «ill consequence if»

He feels driven to it by fear of ill consequence if he disobey.

Not exact matches

And if there are later consequences from a decision not to breastfeed, such as a child who becomes ill with a condition that may have been prevented, the emotion felt is not guilt - but regret.
11/28/2007 Holidays and Aging: Some Tips From UC San Diego Geriatric Specialists The joys, charms, chaos and confusion of family life during the holidays can be very positive or highly stressful, with older family members who are frail or ill particularly susceptible to negative consequences if emotional, mental or physical healt... More...
So if you are not terminally ill, require nursing care for more than 90 days, and want to withdraw more than 10 % from your annuity there will probably be some monetary consequences to go along with your withdraw.
If I'm going to take an ill - advised shot that's likely going to attract a lot of unwanted attention, then damn it, I want there to be consequences!
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