Sentences with phrase «illusion of other colors»

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Schjeldahl writes:» [Thomas»] best acrylics and watercolors of loosely gridded, wristy daubs are among the most satisfying feats (and my personal favorites) of the Washington Color School, a group that included Morris Louis, Kenneth Noland, and others associated with the prescriptive aesthetics of the critic Clement Greenberg: painting shorn of imagery, the illusion of depth, and rhetorical gesture.
Butler writes that Deleget «has never been particularly interested in traditional painting approaches such as wet - on - wet and glazing, color mixing, or other techniques that create the illusion of three dimensionality.
Viewers see a kaleidoscopic play of color and light, along with multiple views of their own reflections and those of the other viewers looking through the portholes, all creating an illusion of infinite space and an extraordinary shared experience.
More than many of White's contemporaries, the artist enjoys the spatial illusion of paint, creating areas of color that read completely flat while other passages extrude and recede, impressions often complicated by the introduction of objects and her recent experiments with text.
These works may employ disorienting illusions of depth and flatness, intensely affecting color, or synesthetic auditory and haptic stimuli to introduce new kinds of sensory experience that in some cases suggest a utopian vision of the future and in others embody critical or ambivalent attitudes towards contemporaneous reality — social, political, and technological.
Combining the use of colored neon lights, mirrors and other industrial materials, his light sculptures create spectacular illusions based depth of field as a physical representation of the infinite and the void.
Not only do the ribbons of paper that activate the work's surface create the illusion of a range of color values, there are other unexpected painterly effects to perceive.
Where other artists might mix warm colors that would create the illusion of light falling on cooler - colored objects, Krieger cleverly divorces light from object, using thin yellow thread - like lines and fat transparent off - white ones to depict light waves rather than showing the result when they illuminate something else.
The co-director of Minus Space, Deleget has never been particularly interested in traditional painting approaches such as wet - on - wet and glazing, color mixing, or other techniques that create the illusion of three dimensionality.
As others have said, attempts at reducing painting down to one essential thing — be it flatness, illusion or anti-illusion, or color — tend to fall flat in front of the paintings themselves.
Three of the artists do so by exploiting photographic properties, while the other three focus on form and the illusions provided by color and surface texture.
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