Sentences with phrase «illustrate my point of»

a) Annoyingly slavish to the multiple choice paradigm to illustrate his point of view.
Let us illustrate this point of view toward which our whole discussion has been moving by looking briefly at the sacraments of the Church, the Christian meeting of death, and the Christian life of active service as expressions of the way which is enclosed in the grace of this kind of community.
CEO, Andrea Minichiello Williams said: «Ironically, the actions of PinkNews and Vue cinema illustrate the point of the film.
Although I illustrated my point of the need to accept diversity in many ways with reference to Judaism, Hinduism, and Shinto, and spoke of what we might offer them and learn from them, all my comments were very brief.
E.D. Klemke, just to give one recent but representative example, clearly illustrates this point of view.
While the primary objective is hands - on polishing, line editing can also include notes in margins to explain changes, illustrate points of craft, or pass along ideas to push a scene further or make an approach to something work better.
For me it was worth waiting for, because the convenience of playing a title of this calibre at my leisure, whenever, illustrates the point of the Vita.
The examples you describe illustrate my point of distinction.
If you think that article is about health care, then that means you * ONLY * read up to the third paragraph, which was a single example to illustrate the point of the REST OF THE ARTICLE.
To illustrate his point of how we all can get in our own world he shared a story about Teddy Roosevelt.

Not exact matches

'' (May's) speech actually illustrates a larger (and) more important point in that the priorities of the European negotiators are very much the financial contribution to the EU pot.
A trio of examples illustrate my point.
Kellermann pointed to Operation Pawn Storm — an ongoing cyber-espionage campaign — to illustrate the variety of methods Russian hackers are using to attack U.S. military, embassy and defense - contractor personnel and U.S. allies, including NATO.
Goldberg uses an analogy from the world of retail to illustrate the point: «Going into Home Depot doesn't let you build a house all by yourself if you haven't done it before.»
Healthcare and education are just two examples — but they illustrate a point: if the current system prevents a growing number of people from being able to care for themselves when they are sick, or get the training they need to get a job that supports themselves and their families, they will break the system.
In the case of people using Margaret Atwood's 1985 novel as a means of voicing political outrage, users are finding creative ways to illustrate an important point.
Even if they forget much of what you say, people often remember stories that best illustrate a point.
The latest index, compiled from six trillion data points, measured congestion between April and June of this year and is expressed in percentages that illustrate additional driving time.
After interacting with local rangers and wildlife experts and sensing the urgency of the situation, Slash and fellow band mate Myles Kennedy were inspired to write «Beneath the Savage Sun,» a new song from his latest solo album that illustrates the brutal ivory trade from an elephant's point of view.
To illustrate his point, Gladwell zips across continents and decades, telling tales from Nazi - occupied France, elementary schools in Connecticut, and the first exhibition of the impressionists.
One way to illustrate that point is to look at the contents of business magazines.
If you're in the insurance field and you need to speak to a crowd of medical professionals, find common ground by choosing examples that best illustrate your point.
Very comprehensive, yet easy - to - understand, this business tool offers more than just the nuts and bolts of writing a business planthe author also provides invaluable insight through real - life examples illustrating key points and avoidable mistakes as well as cutting - edge information for the 21st century entrepreneur.
A quick comparison of experiences in the United States and Canada illustrates my point.
To illustrate the magnitude of this, we can estimate the effects of a 100 basis point reduction in the cash rate on net interest payments (as a share of household disposable incomes; Graph 6).
You can even illustrate your point by showing how a typical workweek would look for your potential employee so he can get an idea of how to balance his work needs and his personal ones.
We've written earlier about how that is generally a bad idea (more on that later), but to illustrate our point and in light of the current retail climate, we thought it'd be a good idea to show you what happens to a store - branded credit card when the company shuts its doors.
To illustrate this point, in the past, residents of non-Mega Millions states — even residents of other countries — have won prizes in every prize category, including the jackpot.
To illustrate the point, does it seem more likely that Litecoin will go from $ 0.65 to $ 1.30 by the end of the month or that Bitcoin will go from $ 47 to $ 96?
As illustrated by the previous two points, the Facebook change will lead to an increased adoption of influencer marketing, giving influencers more options.
Although past performance is no guarantee of future results, the chart below, which takes into account 30, 15 and five years» worth of seasonal data for oil prices, illustrates Brian's point.
My point is clearly illustrated in the chart below, courtesy of top - tier venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz.
Examples of market segments we may favor at various points in the cycle are illustrated below.
The point of the chart above is to illustrate that those with an agenda to ride the trend and look smart are correct when they state that the US stock market is not particularly over valued... if one shuts off one's brain and accepts policy (blue Monetary Base line, which is but one of several money supply measures) as being at all normal or healthy.
To illustrate that point, CNN Greed & Fear Index is pegged at 2 (read: extreme fear) on a scale of 0 - 100.
Imagine you qualify for the $ 400 reward as illustrated in the example of travel points reward above, you may lose it if there is a condition that you should use it within a specific period and you don't use it.
As illustrated in the figure above, the 10 - Year Treasury Note rate has increased by 67 basis points while the mortgage risk premium, which reflects the added risk of mortgage borrowers over the federal government, fell by one basis point.
That point just illustrates to me the importance of staying invested in the market no matter what crazy headlines are being written nor what events transpire around the world.
To help illustrate this point, I present the «Investment Opportunity Schedule» in Exhibit 1, which plots the number of investment opportunities against the level of potential return for each opportunity.
The point of the image is to illustrate that the team can see everything planned for a given time in every channel, in every region.
The following table illustrates the difference between two floaters that pay a spread of 40 basis points above the reference rate; one with a 4 % cap and 2 % floor, and one without a cap or floor:
The most quoted «rule» of investing — the «Rule of 72» — illustrates this point.
Those parties, of course, could point back at drug companies, illustrating the difficulty of tamping down prices.
«To illustrate the magnitude of the 75 - year actuarial deficit, consider that for the... Trust Funds to remain fully solvent throughout the 75 - year projection period... revenues would have to increase by an amount equivalent to an immediate and permanent payroll tax rate increase of 2.76 percentage points to 15.16 percent.»
He has a point, but it only illustrates the genius of Trump's scam.
Brokers will display this in a number of different ways, sometimes using visuals or graphics to better illustrate the point.
Previous analysis illustrated how monthly increases of rates on purchases of newly built homes in excess of two basis points, considered large in historical terms, were associated with, on average, a decline in sales of new homes over the same month.
As a gay believer, I am quite convinced that the original plan of God was not homosexuality... that it wasn't the original «design» (a simple inventory of body parts does well to illustrate this point).
kendallpeak I was merely pointing out that the Bible, a book that you likely consider authoritative regarding God's supposed view of abortion, not only has numerous sections that illustrate that a fetus was not considered a person in those times, but that the Jewish people, whose books these references come from, have upheld that interpretation.
I donâ $ ™ t deny that there are examples of great humanity and kindness in the Bible, and your examples clearly illustrate that point.
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