Sentences with phrase «illustrates another point about»

He is trying to illustrate a point about time to market: «I want to be nimble,» he says.
On its first telling, this little tale illustrates a point about the role of stories in religion.
In his course at Rutgers, women students decided to illustrate a point about sex roles by bringing in a doll and a cloth diaper.
But Sharkey said it illustrates his point about the need for more input from the state's business leaders.
The figure above also illustrates another point about the expansion.
Yes, I'm dating myself here — quoting a»70s rock band to illustrate a point about yoga.
Try this thought experiment with another observed practice to illustrate my point about how the results are being mis - reported... The correlation between student observations that «My teacher seems to know if something is bothering me» and value added was.153, which was less than the.195 correlation for «We spend a lot of time in this class practicing for [the state test].»
Anyway I get your point about merely using it to illustrate your point about (in effect) measuring curvature with the second derivative.
To illustrate my point about the fragility of arguments based on short time series take a look at the graph (Fig 1) in Christy's evidence and drop out the first five years.
Utilizing primary energy in the China energy expansion graph illustrates my point about the fundamental limitation that wind / solar only supply electricity.
The year - to - year percentage change in funding over time for fossil energy, energy efficiency, and renewable energy at the DOE serves to illustrate the point about stability.
«To illustrate my point about values: assume the only effect of AGW is the extinction of polar bears, but GHG reduction is still very costly.
I illustrated this point about the perilousness of assuming the tails of normal distributions will always be present with a simple example from dice.
Perhaps it sound absurd to describe the personal insurance of a terrorist, but it does illustrate a point about coverage.

Not exact matches

The survey, which indicates that Moore has regained some support after falling eight points behind Jones in a mid-November Fox News poll, illustrates a conservative electorate torn between their doubts about Moore and their desire to send a Republican to Washington.
To illustrate the point, Cook told a story about a mistake he learned from 10 years ago.
Tom illustrated the point by telling a story about his friend Doug Dietz, principal designer at GE Healthcare.
As the previous points illustrate, there is a compelling case (wholly apart from any ideas about aggregate demand) for increased infrastructure investment.
We've written earlier about how that is generally a bad idea (more on that later), but to illustrate our point and in light of the current retail climate, we thought it'd be a good idea to show you what happens to a store - branded credit card when the company shuts its doors.
The broker raises some interesting points about the issues surrounding a fiduciary standard for brokers — and illustrates a few as well.
In it he illustrates point for point what he was saying about the Christian community.
I would think twice about criticizing him for having a divisive and superior attitude when you not only illustrate your point with sharpies but also by trying to be divisive and superior yourself.
In the same way that the Black Lives Matter movement simply seeks to highlight that black lives do, in fact, matter (in a society that mostly acts like this is not the case), feminism is a movement that allows women to speak up about the issues that affect them (in a society that often tries to silence them, as illustrated in my previous points).
And so it is, to a large extent, with the other saints» cults as well, a point vividly illustrated in the testimony of several of the children of Sanchez, for whom the Lord of Chalma (another cult, centered about sixty miles southwest of Mexico City) was the focus of their spiritual life.48 Even when the cult is community oriented — as in the case of agricultural saints — it remains largely apolitical.
And I'm not just talking about object lessons where a pastor brings a ladder or a watermelon on stage, and illustrates a sermon point with them.
The point is delightfully illustrated in Eddington's parable about the zoologist studying deep - sea life by means of a net of ropes on a two - inch mesh.
His story about «the good Samaritan» illustrates His point.
The difference between point of view and what is seen from that point of view can be illustrated from the case of Amory Lovins about whom I have spoken.
Professor Ayala illustrates the very fashionable Catholic diffidence about the import of recent discoveries about the nature of the universe, whilst Clive Copus, who helpfully flags up the dominance of Ayala's school of thought at the Rome evolution conference last year, proposes the «Intelligent Design» (ID) argument that some parts of the universe point to God, and by implication that some don't do so nearly so well.
And old story about two Christian theologians illustrates the point: one said that he believed the faith because the Church taught it; the other that he believed it because it was true.
To illustrate the method, a typical No. 7 seed would expect to win about 0.9 games per tournament, on average, while a No. 7 seed with an SRS 2.9 points better than the seed average — like Michigan State this season — would expect to win about 1.0 games per tournament.
It's about sibling rivalry, and illustrates point # 3.
But this kind of book illustrates some other interesting points about 6 - year - olds:
In the recently released biography of Ed Miliband, by Medhi Hassan and James Macintyre, a story is told about how Ed Miliband, then a visiting lecturer at Harvard, used a Jeremy Paxman interview of Tony Blair in the 2001 General Election campaign to illustrate a wider point he was making about attitudes to inequality.
Recounting the statements made in the run - up to the December 2016 elections about the threats of sole - sourcing to the economy, President Akufo - Addo outlined a few figures to illustrate this point.
To further illustrate the point, in 1941, there were about 85 million Germans (counting Austrians) and 170 million Soviets, of which about half were Russian, and half were non-Russian.
And to illustrate that point further, 45 percent of those polled said they do not know enough about Bill Thompson, who ran against Bloomberg for mayor in 2009, to have an opinion.
To illustrate, Skelos pointed to the fact that Long Island traditionally received about 13 percent of education aid.
Pomerantz suggested an example to illustrate the point: Think about taking two photographs, one of a white room illuminated with red light bulbs and one of a red room illuminated with white light bulbs.
Case in point: I've coached women who believed stories similar to the ones I used to tell myself, and yet there are plenty of women who told themselves very different stories about their motherhood decision, as illustrated in Meghan Daum's anthology Selfish, Shallow, and Self - Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have Kids.
About halfway through the movie, the point of view shifts to that of Nick and Jake, who explain that they're randomly selecting Brooke and Caleb as their target couple to illustrate the dangers of presenting too much personal information on social media.
I quite agree with a good many of the points you illustrated about Altman's film... Starting out, I simply had no idea of how extremely long the reading of it all was going to take (not that that fact detracted in any way, shape or form from my enjoyment of the piece)!
There may be many ways to illustrate the titular premise, but talking about them endlessly becomes tiring, as does the ostensibly quirky visual asides that further continue to labour the point.
Like the best writers, Lamar pinpoints small moments that illustrate larger points, in his case the kind that springboard into documentary narratives about home and history, about dangers lurking and the power of anger.
To illustrate this point, he shared a story about his son and skateboarding.
When the notes provide a description of a concept, they can write a new note about a point in the textbook that illustrates that concept.
Author Eric Sheninger illustrates a point to his audience during a discussion about digital leadership and digital learning on Jan. 4 in West Feliciana High School's auditorium.
There are certainly many real examples that illustrate this important point, but today I'd like to illustrate it with a frivolous example about the Yuletide, based on real data and analyses.
If a teacher assumes that everyone in a class is familiar with an example from history that is only ancillary to the point of a particular lesson, for example, but uses that example to illustrate a particular point, then the students who are unfamiliar with the example or who have misconceptions about that example, may just miss the point of the lesson or develop misconceptions about the point of the lesson itself.
To illustrate this point, we have used their responses to 11 anti-Semitic questions (e.g. «Jews control the media» or «Jews only care about themselves») to place each individual on a 5 - point scale, with 1 being the most anti-Semitic and 5 being the least.
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