Sentences with phrase «image of the church»

In responding to this opportunity, churches are discovering deeper meanings in the New Testament image of the church as the body of Christ (1 Cor.
For help, see Susan B. Thistlewaithe, Metaphors for the Contemporary Church (New York: Pilgrim Press, 1983); Avery Dulles, Models of the Church (New York: Doubleday, 1974); and Paul Minear, Images of the Church in the New Testament (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1960).
And at yet another point, we are told that, although evangelicals can not accept all of what process theists mean when they say that the world is «God's body», there is a «striking parallel» between the process concept of «God's self - embodiment in a redeemed world» and «the biblical image of the church as the «Body of Christ»» (111).
The researchers then confirmed with a controlled experiment that environmental cues were likely to have caused the effect: participants who were primed with images of churches proved less likely to support a stem cell initiative than were subjects who were shown more neutral images, such as office buildings.
A New Testament image of the church's public witness is that of «ambassadors of reconciliation» (2 Cor.
The Mariologist Antonio Sicari believes that, for Balthasar, Mary is not only a prototype or model of the Church but rather, as woman, virgin, bride and mother, she constitutes the Church's real form.9 Because the Church begins essentially in the chamber of Nazareth, [10] Mary is the original and generative image of the Church: she is the place of the Word's indwelling, both bodily and ontologically.
The point that most excites me about Father Heisig's essay is the new and revolutionary meaning that he appears to bring to the ancient image of the church as the body of Christ.
One of my favorite functional images of the Church is one suggested some years ago by Gregory Pierce of the Chicago - based National Center for the Laity: the Church as «campaign headquarters.»
Failure to understand that the Church exists by continual participation in the atoning action of God in Jesus underlies many of the illusions in conventional images of the Church.
Dulles identifies and explores other images of Church, including the Church as Herald (to proclaim its message), as Sacrament (Church as sign, personal witness) and the secular - dialogic metaphor.
(8) In another work Dulles speaks of Discipleship as an appropriate image of Church.
Others stressed the need to restore the battered image of the Church through better communications.
But, continuing with the thought of God's self - embodiment in a redeemed world, do we not find a striking parallel with the biblical image of the church as the «Body of Christ» (I Cor.
Trinity changed his image of church.
«Most of the baptized have an image of the church that, on the one hand, is family friendly in its attitude, whilst at the same time considering her sexual morality to be unrealistic,» the German bishops said, according to National Catholic Reporter.
Yet they tend to reinforce an image of the Church as dusty do - gooders whom you might smile at but aren't part of a movement to which you would give your life.
The 84 - year - old pope, presiding over his seventh mass as pontiff, also conjured up an image of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, explaining that visitors must bend down to enter its low opening, drawing a tie to what followers of Christ must do to find their faith.
The Bible speaks about marriage and intercourse as an image of the church's relation to God — very intimate, deep and joyful, as well as truthful and faithful.
Where then does all this leave us in regard the image of the Church as a «fortified city»?
But doesn't the image of the Church as a «fortified city», taken from the Old Testament, conflict with the spirit of Lumen Gentium, the Vatican II dogmatic constitution on the Church, and Gaudium et Spes, the Pastoral Constitution the Church in the Modern World?
And after all, what can I expect when, as a church leader, I quit and tell the pastor I can't stay and listen to him preach because it makes me want to throw up — and refuse to preserve the image of the church by lying to protect a sexual predator in the pulpit.
What Teilhard has given us in his vision of the «within» is a revolutionary idea and image of the church: here the church becomes understood and affirmed as a new and cosmic body of humanity.
Could we not far more easily believe that the «Divine Without» is an image of the church, and of the church as the cosmic body of Christ?
These expressions characterize a new self - image of the Church that began to emerge at the Council.
This image of the church as a band of strangers who accept discomfort with one another as God's way of moving us forward may seem grimly Calvinistic.
But the image of church school teaching is still the matronly, motherly person; and it requires a secure man to take up that particular cross.
Dr. Comes, a Harvard faculty member, called up an image of the church at worship as «the bland leading the bland, a sense of ordered inertia.»
In this and other scenes she is depicted as an image of the church, the mother of believers, and one to whose care Jesus is devoted to his dying breath.
History reveals a direct connection between the image of the Church that may be predominant at any given time and the forms of communication which the Church favors during that same time.
St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, also of the fourth century, saw Mary as a sign and image of the Church, in that in giving birth to Christ she also brought forth Christians who were formed in her womb with Him.
The image of the Church may become inseparable from a class or caste, or from remembered injustice.
Vocations in the West have fallen away in a direct proportion to the degree of deformation of Christ and the image of his Church.
In figures that belie the image of the Church as ageing and declining, statistics collated for 2013 show that people under the age of 30 now account for...
Closely connected with the image of the church as the people of God is today's growing realization that the church exists not for itself but for the world.
Christians should, given their tradition, be inclined to find sense rather than nonsense in body language, not only because of the resurrection of the body, but also because of the body and blood of Christ in the bread and wine of the Eucharist and the images of the church as the body of Christ.
But unless it can be shown otherwise, any tampering with Communion for the divorced and remarried will corrupt the doctrine of marriage, and — by diminishing the image of the Church as bride of Christ — debase the Church.
Young Catholics today have grown up with World Youth Day, Eucharist adoration, New Movements, Nightfever and an image of the Church marked by the idea that it is normal for a Pope to canonise vast numbers of saints and to be a figure instantly recognisable across the globe.
The trouble, however, is that this image of the church is generally not shared by non-churchgoing people.
What the suppression of conflict does do is preserve the image of the church as a loving community united in God's service.
In the New Testament Paul and John may be viewed as accentuating the individualist element, but in his image of the church Paul speaks of us as members one of another, and John's gospel employs the imagery of the vine and its branches.
On Tuesday, the UK's most senior Greek Orthodox Church figure demanded that Lidl apologise and restore the image of the church to its original state.
So when Paul begins to really emphasize in chapter 12 the image of the church as the Body of Christ, his readers will have understood that they are all in this together.
Once the focus of the plates» designs, the image of each church has been carefully sandblasted away, leaving only ghostly outlines of the buildings behind.
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