Sentences with phrase «image recognition so»

, which adds AI - powered image recognition so that the camera will automatically adjust settings to best frame your subject.

Not exact matches

Better image recognition is crucial to unleashing improvements in robotics, autonomous drones, and, of course, self - driving cars — a development so momentous that we made it a cover story in June.
You can also upgrade to the InkSpace Plus app to get image - to - text recognition, so the app can turn your writing into searchable text.
We already know that neural nets work well for image recognition, observes Vijay Pande, a Stanford professor who heads Andreessen Horowitz's biological investments unit, and «so much of what doctors do is image recognition, whether we're talking about radiology, dermatology, ophthalmology, or so many other «- ologies.»»
EverNote uses optical character recognition to parse text from an image and store it so it can be retrieved at a later date.
Some also come with exciting features such as one touch processing, optical character recognition, so that text can be edited in a word processor, and image - editing software that can eradicate blemishes or marks.
I'd like to do my little bit to help, so here is an attempt at a commonsense explanation of how image - recognition algorithms work.
When he happens across a young woman one night, her face beaten beyond recognition, the unhinged Reynolds sees this as an opportunity to put his trusty scalpel to use — hatching a plan to «reconstruct» her face in the image of his missing daughter, and so claim her sizeable inheritance.
The notes are exported as PNG images, so sadly there's no handwriting recognition option.
According to curator Lizzie Carey - Thomas, it is a process of slowing down the act of looking and the viewer's moment of perception, so that «the eye oscillates between the detail and the recognition of the form; she draws us into an encounter with the image
In the long history of human image - making these are significant developments, and deserve greater recognition than they have so far received.
Having both local and cloud - based intelligence is important, because sometimes you need the sheer speed and low latency of the device that's in your hand — so for example the Kirin 970 can perform image recognition on an incredible 2,000 images per minute — and sometimes you need the heavy lifting that only the cloud can provide, such as when you're trying to identify the individual pieces you need to recover an image you've accidentally lost.
In fact, the Smart Reply feature above also works hand - in - hand with this image recognition software so as to give out the best suggestions when called upon.
There is no fingerprint scanner on the images, so the company might skip the scanner and go with the facial recognition system.
Huawei has tasked the NPU with image recognition duties on the camera, so it understands if you're pointing it at a sunny scene, an animal, or food, for example.
So far, the service is limited to image recognition, letting users drag and drop a set of pictures, and then watching as the software starts picking out recurrent elements or items.
The company even went so far as to claim that its image recognition algorithm was now better than humans and less error - prone.
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