Sentences with word «imaginable»

The word "imaginable" refers to things that you can picture or think about in your mind. It means something that you can imagine or envision. Full definition
Or, if nowhere can be that safe base, they are really in trouble, as being chronically stressed is about the worst thing imaginable for brains, especially developing ones.
These days pregnant women have just about everything imaginable at their fingertips.
He tirelessly, for 8 + months, drove hundreds of miles to look at every kind of house imaginable with us.
I had done a lot of dating and had experienced most things imaginable as far as human bodies are concerned.
Either paint using the original color or «paint» the image black and white... or simply paint with virtually every color imaginable for even more control over your photos.
We welcome you to the ultimate place for ordering all sorts of superior papers on any topic imaginable for any academic level.
I cook gourmet Thai food and any other dish imaginable from Italian to Hispanic foods... The list goes on.
There are a ton of smart bloggers around the world that can help with anything imaginable.
The series has been ported to every platform imaginable since then and has sold millions, a monumental feat for what started as a passion project from an indie developer.
Not only does the tool allow you to craft comics for viewing on the tablet, but also practically any kind of guided navigation experience imaginable as well.
We have had two of the most horrible moving experiences imaginable in the course of our marriage, one just a few years ago.
We know lawyers who have won cases for just about every type of situation imaginable.
Every kind of imaginable water and beach sports are offered by certified professional organizations.
As with all trends when it comes to a color, they come in all different shapes and styles imaginable.
The Note 8, true to its family heritage, has every feature imaginable in a smartphone to offer.
A western is actually the worst setting imaginable for a terrifying zombie plague, since viruses only spread well in concentrated population centres.
If I wouldn't have chosen to take him home I'm afraid the worst possible imaginable scenario might have taken place.
With amenities including a full European spa, lagoon styled swimming pool featuring a cascade and water slide, and every water sport imaginable, you will soon discover paradise.
There are literally thousands of these sites all over the Internet for every type of person imaginable.
There are books on just about every subject imaginable, and you can certainly find one if you take the time to think about the things she's interested in.
In his free time, you can find him writing for different publications or outside enjoying about any type of fitness activity imaginable.
It has every option imaginable in this version, except navigation which I haven't missed.
I've eaten some of the worst food imaginable since college... how is this possible.
As a field applications scientist, I work with customers of every disposition, temperament, background, and experience level imaginable, sometimes all in the same room at the same time.
It is an indispensable guide to answer any question imaginable when you're buying a home or other property.
A healthy variety of guns and weapons, accompanied with an abundance of vehicles, spanning the roads, rivers and skies mean you have almost everything imaginable at your disposal.
You may have the most amazing product imaginable, but you will still have to fight for your customer's attention and time.
They can provide everything from logo design and corporate branding, to print and promotional design — working with clients in almost every industry imaginable.
Get your daily dose of news from across the globe and discuss the latest and greatest in TV, blogs, books, magazines, and every other medium imaginable.
He also thanked the hundreds of police and ambulance staff who «worked through the night in the most difficult circumstances imaginable».
It tests man and machine like no other in some of the most extreme conditions imaginable.
It's one of the most demanding and difficult jobs imaginable.
They bring out all the beauty in all angles imaginable in one shot.
I find it allows me to sit back and relax with every game imaginable other than two genres.
I own SO many glass jars: I have them in every shape and size imaginable.
However, as clean as the menus now look the developers have opted for the most utterly boring playing field imaginable.
We have successfully helped victims in nearly all types of serious truck, car, and other accident cases imaginable.
There are over five hundred pages listing every ingredient and cuisine imaginable in the vegetarian realm.
The car's leather - and wood - trimmed interior, loaded with nearly every convenience item imaginable, is a stunning display of craftsmanship.
Nestled inside a small bay with one of the most scenic views imaginable all around you.
And it's not imaginable as a profit - making project, so it will need public funding.
Our company will help you get the best deal at the lowest prices imaginable.
HR also gives you plenty of choice: employers in every sector imaginable need a HR department, whether that's one person or a larger team.
Just about every market environment imaginable has happened over the last 20 years.
You will never have to leave your resort, as everything is provided on site, and at the highest standards imaginable.
Most of us know the art of yoga as being that workout where you are asked to place your body in the most seemingly - uncomfortable positions imaginable.
This is an exhaustive list that details virtually every health issue imaginable.
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