Sentences with phrase «imaginary land»

In her paintings, grand plans are halted and introspect captured in portraits depicting characters in imaginary lands where legends live.
I'd suggest Alice in Imaginary Land as a suitable title, with characters that...
If it takes the threat of burning in an imaginary land and a book that tells people to love their neighbor to keep people from being complete a — holes, then I'm willing to tolerate Christians trying to shove their religion down my throat.
Nice sentence, particularly the imaginary land of «Trump» for governor bit.
[Well, Paladino has come around since then — with a brief foray into the imaginary land of «Trump for governor» — and is now 100 percent on the Astorino campaign train — so much so that he's headlining a two - day «convoy» with the candidate from Buffalo to Albany next month.]
Well, Paladino has come around since then — with a brief foray into the imaginary land of «Trump for governor» — and is now 100 percent on the Astorino campaign train — so much so that he's headlining a two - day «convoy» with the candidate from Buffalo to Albany next month.
The whole school were involved - creating characters for an imaginary land - a remarkable school...
Ask student volunteers to draw a map of an imaginary land, using KidPix or Microsoft Publisher.
Set in an imaginary land reminiscent of the Arabian nights, Carlo Chuchio and his companions, seeking an elusive treasure, discover that «the journey is the treasure.»
Set in an imaginary land reminiscent of that of the Arabian nights, this follows Carlo Chuchio and his companions as they seek an elusive treasure and discover that «the journey is the treasure.»
As many of you know, I write fiction books, more specifically, fantasy novels with huge, long word counts and hundreds of pages in an imaginary land I like to pretend is quite real.
Sadie finds solace in the one thing her real father, Sam Sugarspear, left behind: a book about an imaginary land, ruled by a king who grants wishes.One day, when her stepfather's cruelty reaches unimaginable depths, Sadie runs away and hides inside a crevice in her beloved willow tree.
The works can be interpreted as a chronological story of the deterioration of an imaginary land.
Alex Anikina looks into the anthropocentric camera with her video exploration of imaginary lands.
Intimate visual spaces conjured up by spirituality invite viewers to a special journey: into an imaginary land, the work.
(As ever, Canada is an imaginary land in this display and wind stops at borders.)
162,000 people was said to have been transported to this imaginary land during a mere 80 years, and they are all long dead by now.
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