Sentences with phrase «imaginative play where»

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A friend who lives here too recently visited Belgium (that's where we're all from) and got amazed remarks from her mom friends about her child's imaginative play.
«where math, science, and creativity meet» Magna - Tiles ® are designed to hold a child's interest and attention, build critical developmental skills, and promote imaginative play and creativity.
Our uniquely integrated class for mum and little one where baby massage, baby yoga and sensory play are delivered alongside rhythm, rhyme and story in a seamless journey of imaginative play.
The first, a playful yet calming practice where children either play nearby or participate with their parents, shows how a child's natural movements and playful nature can inspire a unique and imaginative yoga experience for the family.
Although I currently find myself playing PlayStation 4 more than any other console, I always know that I can boot up my Wii U or 3DS and be taken away to imaginative worlds where characters come alive and there's plenty of fun to be had.
The cast at least seems to be having fun playing in Wright's imaginative world of flying pirate ships and exotic creatures (no one more so than a gothic, mustache - twirling Hugh Jackman), but the movie is all over place, including one truly bizarre sequence where Blackbeard and his crew sing Nirvana's «Smells Like Teen Spirit» for no reason whatsoever.
It also explains how schools are providing imaginative spaces for children to play in deprived communities where few families have gardens, and how some are using their facilities to extend opportunities for physical activity outside the school day.
+ Numerous levels and zones to play through + Intelligent puzzles + Smooth graphics and imaginative art + Consistent Module unlocks + Motive to explore due to availability of secret areas - Movement lags exist in some levels, where your vessel suddenly moves slower - Map layout designs of several zones have slight resemblance to each other, making it all seem a bit repetitive
And the Telltale games actually have some really imaginative puzzle design when they're at their best — stuff like trying to act out a scene in a sitcom with room for the advertising break, or A Christmas Carol - ing Santa Claus himself, or the brilliant time - jumping mystery on the Disorient Express, where you have to play the story out of order in order to get clues for the present from the past and future.
Symbolic and imaginative play is where the more sophisticated communication really starts to happen and is what really precursors fluent speech and language.
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