Sentences with phrase «imaginative possibilities»

Requiring a kind of metaphorical investment: the work is made as a call out for imaginative possibilities in relation to its materiality.
The process perspective may serve to renew and reshape imaginative possibilities, so that we may refresh our vision of life as dramatic encounter and story.
The result is breathtaking and each work is densely inscribed with potential meanings allowing unrestrained imaginative possibilities.
This paper holds that the process perspective may serve to renew and reshape what we take to be imaginative possibilities, so that we may refresh our vision of life as dramatic encounter and story.
That is a rather imaginative and somewhat satirical statement of a future that has lost its enchantment, its vitality, its hope, its imaginative possibility.
Mariani has said elsewhere that what he is after «is discovering the imaginative possibilities of the spirituality with which I grew up, I mean my Roman Catholicism.»
It is a magical, royal retreat, fit for a princess to have royal adventures, or perhaps for some peace and quiet and a place to look at books after a long day of play... The imaginative possibilities are endless!
The impulses that drew them to the film, and one another, created a collaboration in which sensibilities and methods unexpectedly aligned, sparking each other and the imaginative possibilities of the moment.
Only time will tell, but for now, let us celebrate the imaginative possibilities of these ten promising titles.
The result is a game that brings together a series of brilliantly designed levels that set the bar in terms of imaginative possibilities and tactile realizations, leaving it difficult to complain about the new aesthetic that simplifies the larger view by stitching it altogether with minimalist detail.
It has always been the goal of Norte Maar to collaborate with other arts / cultural entities, elevating the imaginative possibilities in us all.
drawings suggesting a multiplicity of imaginative possibilities.
By recontextualising it and transforming it into a vessel for formal experimentation, a seemingly minor event like observing an image out of the corner of one's eye is endowed with the fullest range of imaginative possibility.
They investigate tacit and haptic processes of learning, rhythms of biological life, rhythms of problem solving, of practice, of repetition; an opening up of the imaginative possibilities of things occurs again and again.
The result was a fully touchscreen experience that was translated from the smartphone into a wearable, and with that came all the imaginative possibilities and all of the potential pitfalls.
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