Sentences with phrase «imagine what»

Imagine what would have happened, however, if while were we sitting there waiting for our fillets, a man came up and said, «Hey, if you think catching lake trout was fun, I can show you how to catch the mythical Lake Monster.
I hope that if I was in your situation that I would have had the courage to do the same, although I can't imagine what it must have been like to think of the potential consequences of being honest and not pretending to have all the answers, and then for the reality to be even worse.
Just imagine what a painful experience that must have been for young women who had been socialized for domesticity, girls who had grown up in the 1950s to expect life as it was portrayed in the Ladies Home Journal and Good Housekeeping.
Starting with full rich human experience, imagine what it is that is lost when we descend to the level of apes, then rabbits, then beetles, then amoebae, then viruses.
Imagine what it must have been like when this plan was explained to the angels in heaven.
Imagine what trouble they would get into.
Imagine what would happen if a priest abused the son of a powerful family, perhaps an organized crime family?
I can not imagine what would have happened if, in those first scary years of doubting and deconstructing my faith, my parents had responded like so many of my friends and tried to fix me.
I can't imagine what these mor0ns have invented now.
One reason was that books were very scarce and expensive; imagine what it would cost you, even today, if you hired a calligrapher to make a hand - lettered bible for you.
Imagine what a blessing it would be for the Church, were a large and vital group of reformed Catholic traditionalists — freed from harmful ideas and fully accepting Vatican II (rightly interpreted) and the Novus Ordo — were to fully reconcile with the Church, and not do anything to betray the Vatican's good faith, once re-united.
If mobile phones became ubiquitous once made cheaper, imagine what will happen with $ 1 - abortions.
You might imagine what it would have felt like to be loved unconditionally.
One can only imagine what he would have said about George W. Bush — or Barack Obama.
One who does not know this way of «job discipleship» by experience can not begin to imagine what release and help and joy there is in it.
Can you imagine what would happen if a group of Americans attacked the Libyan or Egyptian embassy?
Can you imagine what would happen around the world if a Muslim was going to be sentenced for death if the did not become a Christian?
I'm not gay, nor lesbian, so I can only imagine what it would be like for those who are born with wrong genes, body, etc., to have to live in a world so full of hatred for something they have no control over.
If your making comments like this about something so obvious; I could only imagine what your brain thinks about other races, the truth about American history and the human race and its history.
If your making comments like this about something so obvious all I could only imagine what your brain thinks about other races, the truth about American history and the human race and its history.
Yeah... I know I'm scratching my head and wondering why — can only imagine what I'd be thinking if I was living it.
He urges us to give up trying to imagine what goes on between observations; in the two - slit experiment, he says, it is useless to ask what the electron was doing before it hit the film.
If some very intelligent civilized beings from somewhere else were to come here can you imagine what they must think.
I can only but imagine what they'd do to a scientist such as myself who doesn't believe in any adult versions of Santa Claus.
And i can only imagine what he's going through in a theocratic jail.
He asks us «to imagine what the situation is like at Yale and UCLA» if things are this bad «at a self - consciously Catholic university.»
I keep trying to imagine what it takes to make the sheep risk so much to take such a stand in the first place.
Geez... I can only imagine what the would do to me, because I revere MANY «imaginary beings».
How could we imagine what has absolutely no analogue in our living experience?)
And we can just imagine what Dr. Pat Deneen and other Front Hutters of the time were predicting about impending collapse as just punishment for our unnatural acquisitiveness and greed.
Nearly 15 years later, that article still regularly comes back to bite me, and while I've mellowed significantly, one can only imagine what my 22 - year - old self would have made of Fifty Shades of Grey.
I have been trying to imagine what a «pansexualist» utopia would be like if absolutely all taboos on sexual activity were removed except those involving injury, exploitation, coercion, and the like.
It is a day when we live out redemption, when we imagine what life will be like in the eternal Kingdom of God (the eternal Sabbath), and then try to live out that vision here and now.
Can you imagine what Paul is feeling?
In The Nature of Doctrine, Lindbeck accepts Aquinas's assertion that while we can not begin to imagine what it means to say it, we must affirm that God is really good.
Try to imagine what it would be like to be them.
We can only imagine what first - century potluck dinners were like.
If there is any greater proof needed of the ruling spirit of the «idea of equality» in our time than the story attached to the Obamas» dog, I can't imagine what it would be.
In the previous post, I asked you to imagine what would happen in your community if your chuch ceased to exist.
Imagine what happens, when the dollar collapses, and everyone with an account in the Cayman Islands, is STUCK with worthless paper and stocks?
It's also hard to imagine what kinds of knots have to be untied.
The whole experience was frightening to me as an adult, so imagine what these children go though.
Imagine what the insurnace company would say if I told them that I should get compensated if the minute before the meth lab in my house exploded I intended to remove all of the dangerous materials and started to make the house safe.
Imagine what such an Hegelian project could accomplish today, in the wake of Eliade, Freud, Jung, James, Durkheim, van der Leeuw, Wach, Weber, etc., as well as countless scholarly anthropologists reporting from the field!
Christians «have a vested interest in the creation of public memorials and public art that redemptively evokes our history and enables us to imagine what we might, with God's help, become.»
Although Tillich does not give examples of what this theology renewed by the comparative study of religion might be like, we can venture to imagine what it might produce.
So try to imagine what Judas and Peter were thinking when Jesus went to the cross almost 2000 years ago.
Use that constructively, not to blind you to imagine what someone else tells you.
«When you first start [a film], so many people have so many different expectations, and you imagine what the expectations are,» notes the American actor, who was born in Puerto Rico.
Can you imagine what I'm picturing?
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