Sentences with phrase «imagining it in our minds»

The chemical reactions in our brains are the same whether an experience is actually happening to us or whether we are imagining it in our minds.
I have been lamenting over painting the furniture at our beach house, and you have given me the confidence to just do it!!!! The colors and patterns are exactly what I've imagined in my mind, and now I have pictures to prove how awesome my room will now be!!!
I knew she was amazing and that we had a lot in common, but meeting her surpassed any picture I had imagined in my mind of what it would be like to have a conversation with her, which is such a rare, yet amazing thing.
I thought a great deal about what I was looking for and imagined it in my mind.
(It doesn't exist, but I can imagine it in my mind.
But, if you close your eyes and imagine in your minds eye how bad CO2 is you can understand how fossil fuel has damaged our virtual earth, according to the virtual computer programs they put together to identify and eliminate this virtual CAGW.
Yet, the coaches out there continually emphasize that, in order for something to come true, you have to imagine it in your mind — first — before executing the necessary action.
Then we work to make sure that every step of the way what they have imagined in their minds actually gets created, and then delivered to the consumer.
You must first imagine in your mind what you can not yet see with your eyes.
But it isn't always easy to get the style or look we imagine in our mind.
The stairway at this point was all pretty awful together, I know, but I knew in the end it would all come together like I imagined it in my mind.
Well thank God I had a little girl because I had the name and room all imagined in my mind and I'm so glad that I was able to bring it to life.Read More
Even though we can imagine it in our minds and do photo - shop mockups, it would be so nice to have the added vision and extra expertise!

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Delaney, who represents employers in labor arbitrations, says that while fingerprinting wouldn't necesarily provide enough fodder to nudge drivers into classifications as employees, she imagines it's an idea that has crossed the minds of Uber's legal team.
You should make decisions with consumers in mind, always trying to imagine how would they react, Brito says.
Those participants who were assigned to a high - rank condition were told a few things to get them in the right frame of mind such as «imagine that they had a strong alternative offer,» that they had «valuable inside information,» that they had «high status in the workplace,» or to remember a time when they had power.
Imagine if you started your business with no endgame in mind.
It may be difficult to imagine, but as you become adept at the art of meditation you will be able to still your mind and sit in relaxation with ease for 30 minutes or more.
No one can blame you for the occasional reverie in which you imagine yourself ensconced in a cushy corporate nine - to - five, but Leslie reminds business owners that despite their grumbling, the difficulties of business ownership give structure to our lives, sharpen our enjoyment, improve our minds and generally boost satisfaction.
Imagine artists being able to organically grow and directly reach their fan base without the influence of third party vendors that may not have the artists» best interests in mind.
Merriam - Webster defines vision as «the ability to see: sight or eyesight, something that you imagine, a picture that you see in your mind, something that you see or dream,» while Wikipedia gives a more simple definition: «Vision is foresight - the capacity to envisage future market trends, and plan accordingly.»
In Graber's poems, past, present, and future states of mind are coexistent with real and imagined worlds.
I can imagine a greater love than this in my human mind, therefore can not accept this interpretation.
With that in mind, it's difficult to imagine that a business like Forgiveness 4 You won't, in time, pop up.
Noah's holding a yellow jerry can guitar that was imagined in his ingenious mind, fashioned out of the creativity of his own two hands.
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
One task that needs to be done within this overarching assignment is to imagine in some detail and depth the relationship between God and the world in a way not only consonant with these criteria, but in a fashion that would help it to come alive in people's minds and hearts.
Imagine a time when the word «foyer» no longer brings images of lobbies to the mind of the general public but rather signifies a «place where I once spent five amazing days in silent retreat».
The battle that took place in my mind was not imagined but very, very real.
Do you do good only out of fear of punishment, so that you scowl, even when you will the Good, so that in your dreams at night, you wish away the punishment and to that extent also the Good, and in your dreams by day imagine that one can with a slavish mind serve the Good?
If there is some kind of continuation after death I would imagine that it would be of such a different nature as not to resemble at all anything thought up in Christian theology and i would face it with a curious mind, not a fearful mind.
For some people, including friends of mine, they just can't imagine or picture some things in their minds.
I could imagine the world of Marna in my mind.
Imagine a church that has «not yet arrived» in its own mind.
He imagines the division of mind that is bound to arise in Protestants who have become personally acquainted with individual Catholics but who have not yet given up their anti-Catholic stereotypes.
But what the mind can imagine in this primitive and picture — like manner does not exhaust our subjective repertoire; a neglected form, prominent within private consciousness, is of primary importance to our question.
As a result, we can not help suspecting Buber of «animism» or mystical «projection» when he speaks of an I - Thou relation with non-human existing beings: we can only imagine such a relation as possible with things that have minds and bodies similar to ours and in addition possess the consciousness of being an I.
Already Columbus believed he had located the general site where the earthly paradise would be found and imagined that fresh - water currents in the sea off the northern coast of South America actually flowed from it.8 With literal - minded doggedness others would seek El Dorado, the Seven Cities of Cibola, or the Fountain of Eternal Youth.
When we are tired one of the surest symptoms of our fatigue is that we begin imagining controversies with other people, making up in our minds contentious conversations with folk whom we do not like, writing imaginary letters swelling with rage or bitter with sarcasm.
Isn't it more likely that the «punishments» we imagine and the gods who conjure them up exist solely in our minds?
So we find repeated warnings like the following which Justin Martyr (c. 100 - c. 165) an early Christian apologist, delivered to Trypho, «For if you have fallen in with some who are called Christians, but who... say there is no resurrection of the dead, and that their souls, when they die, are taken to heaven; do not imagine that they are Christians... But I and others, who are right - minded Christians on all points, are assured that there will be a resurrection of the dead, and a thousand years in Jerusalem, which will then be built, adorned and enlarged.»
God has something better in mind for you than you can ask or imagine, and He is simply waiting for His timing to make it happen.
«I imagine that Conn and I would agree that the state probably wouldn't work brilliantly in the absence of these requirements, yet it is worth keeping in mind»: 8
But instead they became futile and godless in their thinking [with vain imaginings, foolish reasoning, and stupid speculations] and their senseless minds were darkened.
While the world we inhabit is confined to planet earth, we know that this is only the tiniest speck in a universe so vast that our minds can barely imagine it.
As for how we arc to use these resources for seeking and finding God, I imagine Julian saying something like this: Get firmly in your mind that each of these three really does correspond to one of the three persons of the Trinity — truth, to God the Father; wisdom, the ancient Sophia, to the second person, who is God our Mother; and love to the Holy Spirit.
His wrath will come upon them in a manner more horrible than the human mind can imagine — a total separation from any relationship with Him due to their sinful nature.
One imagines a graduate of independent mind in the audience whose timpani was telling her that Anna Quindlen is the quintessential representative of the self - flattering feminism that has turned the lives of so many women into a misery.
Conversely there is far more Biblical knowledge and conviction in the liberal mind than ultraconservatism imagines.
Aside from the purely physical difficulties which come to mind regarding Heaven and Hell, aside from the theological difficulties implicit in Hell, I have enormous difficulty imagining what I would do and who I would be.
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