Sentences with phrase «imitation meats»

"Imitation meats" refers to products that are designed to resemble or mimic the taste, texture, and appearance of conventional meats but are made from plant-based or alternative ingredients instead of animal meat. Full definition
If you opt not have meat, the good news is that many grocery stores carry all natural vegetable imitation meat patties — just make sure they don't contain the aforementioned ingredients.
Beyond Meat is another major company making plant - based burgers and other imitation meat products such as chicken strips and beef crumbles.
They also do not eat real meat but they satisfy themselves with soybean based imitation meats.
AbcV is not a vegetarian restaurant where you'll find imitation meat.
Gluten is also used in many imitation meats like mock chicken, beef, etc..
Best to choose whole soy foods over isolated soy protein powders and imitation meats made with soy isolate (TVP — Textured Vegetable Protein).
Processed lunch meats, imitation seafood, other imitation meats, and veggie burgers (unless labeled gluten - free)
I am not much of an imitation meat consumer however this soy chorizo is an exception.
The team says halving global consumption of animal products by eating more insects or imitation meat would free up 1680 million hectares of land — 70 times the size of the UK.
They found that the land required to produce these was only marginally greater that for insects and imitation meat.
Researchers at the University of Edinburgh and Scotland's Rural College considered a scenario in which half of the current mix of animal products is replaced by insects, lab - grown meat or imitation meat.
They found that insects and imitation meat — such as soybean - based foods like tofu — are the most sustainable as they require the least land and energy to produce.
Also Oil in baked and processed vegan foods like salad dressings, imitation meats, vegan cheeses, vegan baked goods and desserts are high calorie condensed fatty foods that could cause weight gain.
Meat and dairy with gluten — blue cheeses, hot dogs, ice cream, imitation crabmeat, imitation bacon and other imitation meats, meatballs, meatloaf, processed cheese (e.g. Velveeta), sausage
The funds behind the push for soy are enormous — farmers pay a fee for every bushel of soybeans they sell and a portion of every dollar spent on Twinkies, TV dinners and the thousands of other processed foods that contain soy in one form or another, ultimately go towards the promotion of the most highly processed foods of all — imitation meat, milk, cream, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, candy bars and smoothies made from soy.
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