Sentences with phrase «immaterial soul»

He makes some surprising claims in the chapter on human beings, arguing for a strong Cartesian dualism of soul and body for humans, but claiming that dogs and cats have immaterial souls as well.
'» (90) The prevailing attitude, he shows, is heavily influenced by the Platonic concept of an evil material world and a perfect immaterial soul, as well as a misunderstanding of Scripture in which heaven, (as a kind of final resting place for the soul), is emphasized over the clear biblical picture of a new heaven and new earth for which believers will be physically resurrected.
There is no immaterial soul residing outside our bodies.
While the Greeks distinguished within the individual the immaterial soul from the material body, the Hebrews and the early Christians distinguished the natural man in his sin from the redeemed man, living «not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.»
Just as truly as Greek philosophy differentiated within the individual between the material body and the immaterial soul, Hebrew religion differentiated between the moral man and his physical organism.
Christians believe in an immaterial soul.
You give no evidence that the immaterial soul actually exists.
The idiot Christians believe in an immaterial soul.
The fact that this can be altered, gives good evidence against a immaterial soul.
In the same way, we can then go on to say that what distinguishes human beings, who have self - reflection, understanding and general concepts, from all other animals must be a different kind ofsoul: an immaterial soul which is not tied to the senses and bodily organs for the exercise of all its powers, like the souls of other animals.
This immaterial soul, then, does not arise from the body, as it has a higher power, but comes from above, from God.
[21] As no material thing can reflect on itself, the ability to reflect on ourselves, which sets us apart from all other animals, must be a power of something immaterial — the immaterial soul, of which the mind is a power.
We can only show this if we can show that we have a quite different kind of consciousness (understanding and selfreflection), which can not be explained materially and, therefore, requires the immaterial soul, created by God, to explain this power.
They believed that the immaterial soul was «imprisoned» within the material «body», and that virtue consisted in forsaking the body for the sake of the soul.
He went on to suggest that the specific, organised, stable pattern of the human body «manifests the immaterial soul
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