Sentences with phrase «immature liver»

Newborn: a newborn's immature liver makes it very difficult to process even small amounts of alcohol.
A newborn has a very immature liver, so minute amounts of alcohol would be more of a burden.
In a baby, the alcohol impact to its immature liver is dangerous.
, the alcohol impact to its immature liver is dangerous.
Combining street drugs is unsafe for adults; it is particularly dangerous for babies who have immature livers and kidneys.
They usually have too much bilirubin because their immature liver can't clear it quickly enough, leading to rising levels on days two and three and a peak by day four of five after they are born.
Jaundice is caused by the inability of the baby's immature liver to break down red blood cells, leading to an increase in the levels of bilirubin in the baby's blood.
A newborn has more red blood cells than his body needs, and often, when a baby's immature liver can't process them quickly enough, a yellow pigment called bilirubin (a by - product of the red blood cells) builds up in the blood.
Although the liver and bowel are usually responsible for getting rid of the unwanted bilirubin, many babies have an immature liver that can not do this effectively.
Unfortunately the baby's immature liver will have difficulty processing these chemicals, even if no outward signs of ingestion are visible (irritability, sleeplessness, etc.).
A newborn baby's immature liver can not process all the bilirubin at once.
While the amount that's transferred if you drink a glass of wine is relatively small, your baby is tiny and has an immature liver.
A newborn's immature liver can not process alcohol as quickly or efficiently as an older baby or adult can.
were born prematurely, because their immature liver may not be able to handle the bilirubin levels
My advice has been not to give sweet potato because orange vegetables can cause problems for an immature liver, not to give potato this early because of possible future nightshade allergy, not to give rice cereal this early as it will displace the more nutritious milk, not to give apples or pears because of the fructose and not to give avocado because it has too much omega 6.
Excess manganese is a double whammy for neonates because their immature livers are not fully functioning and their neurological systems are growing and developing.
Unfortunately the baby's immature liver will have difficulty processing these chemicals, even if no outward signs of ingestion are visible (irritability, sleeplessness, etc.).
(Don't overdo on the orange vegetables as baby's immature liver may have difficulty converting carotenoids to vitamin A.
But immature livers can't manufacture enough necessary sugar and as a result, these tiny pups develop hypoglycemia.
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