Sentences with phrase «immediate consequences for»

In short as it stands, there are no immediate consequences for EU nationals and their rights to submit applications to the Home Office.
But in a statement, Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos did not suggest any immediate consequences for Libous, who has been his deputy since he took the reins of the chamber in 2008 and who ran the G.O.P. political operation in 2010 and 2012.
Authoritative parents give immediate consequences for rule violations.
The program provides immediate reward for appropriate behavior and immediate consequences for inappropriate behavior.
Give your child an immediate consequence for any act of aggression.
In traffic, we are largely anonymous, secure in our own enclosures, and there is little actual human contact or immediate consequence for our actions - at least until that guy with the gun rack on the pickup truck you gave the finger to pulls up alongside you at the traffic light!
When a behavior occurs, the immediate consequence for that behavior will either increase or decrease the chances of that behavior happening again.
The immediate consequence for the women on a deeply personal level is the interruption of attachment to their children resulting in transmission of intergenerational trauma and further entrenching cycles of disempowerment, sometimes resulting in multiple generations of Aboriginal women from the same families incarcerated at the same time.»

Not exact matches

The grant of a stock option or a stock appreciation right is not intended to have immediate tax consequences for the grantee or Walmart.
If the government's death toll has indeed been as inaccurate as these analyses suggest it is, there are immediate, serious consequences for the people of Puerto Rico, the lawmakers said.
By the same token, an immediate rise in our policy rate back to, for example, the 4.25 per cent that prevailed before the financial crisis would represent an extreme tightening of policy and would have significant consequences.
We don't know whether the current instance will have consequences similar to the 1929, 1972, 1987, 2000 and 2007 ones, but suffice it to say that these conditions were more notable for their outcomes over the completion of the full market cycle than they were for their immediate outcomes.
Cobb has failed to see that the worldview of the Romans (in this case, the best possible situation for all in their domain) and their slaves (immediate liberation for themselves no matter what the consequence to the dominant society) are incommensurable.
Indeed, the plight of indigenous peoples and of the nonhuman species with whom we share the planet should touch our consciences as too high a price for us to be paying even in terms of immediate consequences.
We can not calculate how to relate the immediate attainment of beauty to consequences for the future.
It is likely that a second reason for Paul's using homosexuality as his illustration of the immediate consequence of idolatry is that its public manifestations were typically associated with pagan temples.
An immediate consequence of this condition of mind is jealousy for the deity's honor.
To have the consequences as a datum is then precisely as dubious an advantage as to have an immediate certainty; whoever takes the consequences immediately to his credit is deceived, precisely as one who takes the immediate certainty for Faith.
But whatever the immediate reasons, the enlarged brain could perform (as a consequence of its improved structure) all manner of operations bearing no direct relation to the original impetus for its increase in size.
As for importance of tummy time, I know that its important, I know the developmental issues that can happen if you don't do it... but geez it's hard to torture your baby several times a day when the consequences of not doing it aren't apparent or immediate or even there at all.
As with all birth choices, tests, procedures, and treatments, your care team should go through all the benefits (the advantages of delayed vs immediate cord clamping), the risks (the disadvantages of delayed vs immediate cord clamping), implications (associated risks) and possible future consequences, in order for you to make an informed decision.
Timely and appropriate maternal sensitivity to the infant's behaviour is a central component of mother - infant relationships and healthy social and emotional development.20, 21 Maternal depression may disrupt the maternal - child relationship, 22 contribute to maternal failure to respond appropriately to infant signals23 and lead to insecure attachments.24 A mother's failure to respond to the crying infant can have important immediate and lasting consequences for infant development.
Whether infants cry intensely for a few months or fuss frequently for the first year of life, a systems approach to development would suggest that the impact of extremes in crying on the infants» immediate environment may have negative consequences for the dynamics of the parent - child relationship, which in turn would have implications for the child's psychosocial development.
Before anyone today performs this serious (potentially lethal) surgical act on any child for any reason, parents must be fully informed of the immediate and long - term consequences and potential risks to their child.
Don't use if... then statements for serious behaviors that should result in an immediate consequence.
In such a situation the immediate consequences would be devastating for Labour.
If the eurozone simply unravels, this will have immediate and terrifying consequences for the basic functioning of the world economy — and ours.
But the agencies have always had to fight against the tendency of ministers, and Prime Ministers, to publicly use intelligence from this source for immediate political, often party political advantage, ignoring the consequences that those penetrated will alter their codes and increase security.
But an immediate consequence of his decision is that he has overtaken George Osborne as the next favourite for that job.
«As a consequence of these vigorous engagements and as cultured people with a tradition of respect for our national values, leaders and elders, we are today pleased to announce the immediate suspension of the relocation clause otherwise referred to as the quit notice from the Kaduna Declaration.»
«The committee of 100 democrats has not endorsed any candidate for the 17 CD Special elections (sic) as Executive Director of The Committee I demand an immediate retraction of statement or face civil consequences,» wrote John Perez.
Balbuena calls for «immediate action by the competent authorities to safeguard their health and prevent negative consequences of uncontrolled contact.»
While events in Donora showed that air pollution can have immediate consequences, it took decades for researchers to realize that deaths from smog could be going undetected, lost in the background noise of mortality statistics.
Although we will not see immediate effects by tomorrow — some of the slow processes will only respond over centuries to millennia — the consequences for long - term ice melt and sea level rise could be substantial.
A deficiency in a vitamin or mineral won't make a tremendous, immediate impact on an adult in most cases, but during the intensive developmental phases of pregnancy, a nutrient deficiency can have lasting consequences for baby.
Partly that's because they don't present an immediate and obvious threat to children's lives: only the IgE proteins trigger anaphylactic shock, for example, and in that sense, only the IgE proteins can kill (though the IgG reaction can have serious long - term consequences).
One of the consequences of the extraordinary decline (nearly 90 percent) in federal support for education research over the past 25 years, as reported by Richard C. Atkinson and Gregg B. Jackson in their 1992 report for the National Academy of Sciences, has been the profound loss of rigorous inquiry into how schooling can be improved academically for all and how youth culture can become more attuned to the deferred gratification of academic achievement and less oriented to the immediate imperatives of money, clothes, and other amusements.
Effects of bullying on targets and bullying children Bullying of any kind can have harmful short and long - term social and psychological consequences for those directly involved, others, including those in the immediate vicinity and even entire communities.
When students make more of their own decisions during the adolescent and teen years, their brains are still programmed for immediate gratification, pushing limits, and exploring rather than thoughtfully considering consequences.
When you give students opportunities to make considered decisions and guide their evaluation of possible consequences before acting on first impulses, they will build the judgment needed to resist their developmental programing for immediate rewards.
Moms and dads, moreover, are focusing in their discussions with their children, on the immediate consequences of drinking alcohol (for instance, the danger of getting into a car accident while drunk), rather than the long - term effects generated by what alcohol does to a young child's developing brain.
Press Release: New Campaign Highlights Positive Impact Of Mississippi's Charter Schools FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: OCTOBER 19, 2016 RIDGELAND, MISSISSIPPI — Empower Mississippi and the Save Our Schools Coalition announce the launch of a campaign to highlight public charter school students in Mississippi and the devastating consequences they would experience if a lawsuit attempting to shut down charter schools were to be successful.
These short - term public relations solutions [emphasis added] reinforce the idea that there are a lot of immediate punitive consequences coming for teachers when performance - based evaluations are fully implemented, which is simply not the case (p. iii).
The most immediate consequence of the legislation for Texas is the resolution of an ongoing feud between the state and USDE regarding the use of student performance growth in teacher evaluations.
While the child who is hyperactive has a very brief attention span in virtually every situation (usually except for television or computer games), children who are gifted can concentrate comfortably for long periods on tasks that interest them, and do not require immediate completion of those tasks or immediate consequences.
But fact is, Amazon is the only game in town for most right now, and until that starts to change, a modification of the algorithms favoring trad pub like that just made is ominous, and will carry immediate business consequences for most.
These bills can be a bit tricky: while you may not feel any immediate negative consequences for skipping out on your payments, at some point, your bills will catch up with you and the negative impact will take its toll.
Either way, there may be immediate tax consequences but this will be a one - time hit, in return for which you will have a larger flow of tax - free income coming from your TFSA.
For most graduates facing immediate complicated lifestyle choices due to student debt, the far - reaching consequences of delayed retirement investments can become opaque.
Most of us have done one of the things mentioned, and probably didn't suffer immediate consequences (that can't be said for unpaid speeding tickets!).
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