Sentences with phrase «immediate emergency care»

If you suspect heat stroke in your pet, he or she needs immediate emergency care.
A loss in consciousness, difficulty breathing, bleeding, or seizures always requires immediate emergency care for all animals.
Victims of such accidents may need a range of short - and long - term treatments, often beginning with immediate emergency care and continuing with ongoing treatment for pain.
Seek immediate emergency care if your bird is bleeding or has suffered physical injuries or broken bones.
(15) ability and equipment to provide immediate emergency care at a level commensurate with the specific veterinary medical services provided;
There also are several dangerous spiders and scorpions and your pup will require immediate emergency care from your vet if stung by them.
Callers will speak with veterinarians, who will evaluate the situation to determine if the animal needs immediate emergency care.
Treating bloat requires immediate emergency care and may include decompressing the stomach (releasing excess gas from the stomach), managing shock, and stabilizing the heart, often followed by surgery once stable.
They will need immediate emergency care.
For $ 12.95, ask a vet if your pet is in trouble, what to do, what to monitor for, and find out if they need immediate emergency care.
Moderate to severe injuries, on the other hand, require immediate emergency care to ensure that adequate blood and oxygen are being supplied to the brain.
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