Sentences with phrase «immediate purpose»

The immediate purpose refers to a specific goal or objective that is currently being pursued, with no further intention or plan beyond achieving that particular aim. Full definition
One immediate purpose of the framework is to secure House GOP approval for a budget resolution to unlock the Senate's procedure for passing a tax bill without Democratic support.
Elizabeth Murray has put her Humpty Dumpty back together again... Indeed, you could say that the encounter between unified structure and destabilizing energy has always been and continues to be Murray's central theme... For immediate purposes, though, form is what is most aggressively foregrounded.
When gamification is aligned with the desired skill you want from learners, it sets a clear, immediate purpose which makes it easier for learners to transfer to on - the - job.
At the same time, the items in question having little immediate purpose and taking away from the otherwise pretty scenery is making me resent their existence.
The decision to look on a given statement as primarily theoretical or primarily observational is relative, pragmatic, and context - dependent, as Mary Hesse contends.7 The emphasis may shift with the advance of science and the immediate purposes of enquiry.
The circle of stones is genuinely irreducibly complex because the arrangement automatically testifies not just to complexity but also to manipulation for an immediate purpose, which to my mind is lacking in the cell, staggeringly complex though of course it is.
However, most important for our immediate purposes, the view that there are limitations on both mechanistic and teleological causal explanations of creative events is expressed in Peirce's own writings.
That question is aside from the immediate purpose of these lectures.
To cite two texts: In a 1929 article, «Birth Control: The Perverted Faculty Argument», Henry Davis says, ``... the contraceptive act between a husband and wife is mortally sinful, chiefly, it would seem because it is a grave abuse of a faculty, a gross perversion of a means — the act of marital intercourse - which is given by Nature, that is, God, to man for the immediate purpose of generation».
In her relationship to Yahweh there is a special intensity and intimacy, a more specific and immediate purpose and mission.
But Matthew is interested in Jesus» origin, not his birth; and the immediate purpose is the clarification of the important ambiguity of verse 16.
For our immediate purposes, it may be helpful to oversimplify a great deal by reducing to just three broad categories the ideological contenders for the soul of the American university over the past century and a quarter.
Otherwise, cell phone - based fundraising has primarily been used for disaster relief and similarly high - profile and immediate purposes.
The 2010 spending review is, in origin and immediate purpose, a response to a structural fiscal crisis.
Therefore, they are more likely to remember the ideas and concepts because it suits an immediate purpose, which is to solve a real - world problem or challenge.
My immediate purpose was to show that the blanket term «accountability» actually includes four dimensions, each of which includes a range of possible policies.
For our immediate purpose, focus on costs associated with an author website, advanced reader copies, and paying for book reviews.
Can you look beyond the loan's immediate purpose and firmly believe that you will not land into any trouble?
I totally understand why you'd like to get that money working for your son, but it isn't a good idea here because his money is for a very clear and immediate purpose — school in 12 months.
They just make up reasons for the immediate purpose, even if they contradict reasons they made up 10 minutes earlier.
The present climate alarmism has a very specific, immediate purpose: One of the alarmists» most coveted prizes is adoption next year in Paris, France, of a new proposed United Nations convention to replace the (largely) expired 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
Its immediate purpose was to identify the parts of the Act to which the EU - derived formulation of indirect discrimination set out in s 1 (1A) applied.
It's no stretch of the imagination to believe that there will be both creators of and buyers for intelligent legal information systems that ingest all information and are trained to find a correct answer, or at least an answer that may be right enough to serve the questioner's immediate purpose.
That flies in the face of privacy principles that say one should only collect the smallest amount of personal information you need for the immediate purpose, and should not keep it for longer than you need it for that purpose.
Their immediate purpose is to obtain a declaration that a Member State has, by its conduct, failed to fulfil an obligation under the EU Treaties.
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