Sentences with phrase «immediate purpose which»

When gamification is aligned with the desired skill you want from learners, it sets a clear, immediate purpose which makes it easier for learners to transfer to on - the - job.

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actually there is no free will, because we humans is part of god, our conciousness is his.therefore everything we do has a purpose only beyond our immediate comprehension or understanding.the problem lies in our concept or belief of the absoluteness of the philosophy of science, which by itself is part of gods evolutionary process, atheists has this mentality, but since they are part of the process so its gods will through us.
Species may have vast potential for guidance and mental process but they lack any imminent [sic] purpose or guidance from agents beyond their immediate environment or even an evolutionary goal toward which their molecular architecture automatically steers them.9
The result always does violence to that immediate experience which we express in our actions, our hopes, our sympathies, our purposes, and which we enjoy in spite of our lack of phrases for its verbal analysis
It makes no sense because the very primitive actual occasions constitutive of the piano and of its immediate physical environment have a capacity for novel adjustment of feeling which is virtually nil, which is, for all practical purposes, nil.
The great pagan trial of the twentieth century was nationalism» a movement that originally had a Christian messianic purpose» and it was the most immediate form of paganism against which Rosenzweig battled in, for example, his book Hegel and the State.
We may recall that Christianity is in the first instance a gospel, a proclamation, in which it is declared that the eternal Reality whom men call God has crowned His endless work of self - revelation to His human children by a uniquely direct and immediate action: He has come to us in one of our own kind, the Man of Nazareth, uniting to Himself the life which, through His purpose, was conceived and born of Mary, and through this life in its wholeness establishing a new relationship to Himself into which the children of men may enter.
To cite two texts: In a 1929 article, «Birth Control: The Perverted Faculty Argument», Henry Davis says, ``... the contraceptive act between a husband and wife is mortally sinful, chiefly, it would seem because it is a grave abuse of a faculty, a gross perversion of a means — the act of marital intercourse - which is given by Nature, that is, God, to man for the immediate purpose of generation».
First, the religious point of view which provides so - called humanitarian goals for the statesman as a direct and immediate substitute for selfish national purposes «misconceives the nature of international relations.»
By mechanical causality I mean that which operates without any purpose of valuation except immediate and habitual response to a particular stimulus.
The 50 - acre lake is already in place, and its main purpose is as a stormwater detention basin for McDonald Creek, which will provide flood relief to areas of Prospect Heights, Mt. Prospect and Wheeling as well as its immediate neighborhood in Arlington Heights.
This dual - purpose sequel, which simultaneously serves as a continuation of First Class and X-Men: The Last Stand, benefits greatly from the character groundwork laid out by its chronologically immediate predecessor.
Therefore, they are more likely to remember the ideas and concepts because it suits an immediate purpose, which is to solve a real - world problem or challenge.
It seems to me that the shortcomings of climate science today reside not in the quality of its data, which is already close to as good as it's going to get with our present resources, at least for the purposes of immediate advances in climate science, but rather in its inability to answer the following questions with anything better than consensual guesswork.
Its ostensible purpose will be to «expose Congressional staff and journalists to leading scientists and economists in the nation's capital» and demonstrate that «global warming is not a crisis and that immediate action to reduce emissions is not necessary» — which it calls the emerging consensus view of (the handful of) scientists outside the IPCC.
(E)-- And Section 28 (Ka) of BANKING COMPANY of 2001 which explain WRITTEN OFF does not mean Weaver were included to SERVE THE PURPOSE OF VESTED GROUPS & Their AGENTS and also to misguide the International Community & Bangladesh National (F) And also take immediate steps to reform or abolished the system of CERTIFICATE CASE Which are nothing but abuse of Law for realizing Government Taxes, Agricultural Loan etc and is one of the worst system of CLONIAL RULE Suffering Groups of Owner of Industries of Banglwhich explain WRITTEN OFF does not mean Weaver were included to SERVE THE PURPOSE OF VESTED GROUPS & Their AGENTS and also to misguide the International Community & Bangladesh National (F) And also take immediate steps to reform or abolished the system of CERTIFICATE CASE Which are nothing but abuse of Law for realizing Government Taxes, Agricultural Loan etc and is one of the worst system of CLONIAL RULE Suffering Groups of Owner of Industries of BanglWhich are nothing but abuse of Law for realizing Government Taxes, Agricultural Loan etc and is one of the worst system of CLONIAL RULE Suffering Groups of Owner of Industries of Bangladesh
That, for receiving appeals from the decrees and other proceedings and conduct on the part of the above - mentioned judges immediate, there be judicatories appellate, all single seated, in such number as experience shall have shown to be necessary: if more than one, station of all of them the metropolis: that being the central spot, to which persons from all parts of the country have occasion to resort for other purposes; and at the same time that in which the best - formed and most effective public opinion has place — public opinion!
In considering whether witnesses giving evidence to an inquiry should be given anonymity on grounds of fears for their safety, the criterion to determine whether the risk to life is real and immediate for the purposes of Art 2 (right to life) of the European Convention on Human Rights (the Convention) is one which will not be readily satisfied; the threshold is high.
Amongst the most controversial provisions of the legislation is Part 4 of the National Emergency Response Act, which provides for the immediate and later acquisition of five - year leases over certain Aboriginal townships in the Northern Territory for the purposes of the emergency response.
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