Sentences with phrase «immediate treatment after»

While a basic gauze is an easy way to keep open wounds clean, hemostatic gauze is ideal for immediate treatment after an injury.
Dog bite treatment for rabies takes patience and resources, and it requires immediate treatment after a dog bite.
Members of ACT UP demonstrated outside the forum demanding widespread access to post-exposure prophylaxis for those seeking immediate treatment after a risky sexual encounter.

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Strikingly, the treatment approach didn't make a difference to 10 - year survival: Ninety - nine percent of the more than 1600 men in the trial were alive after a decade, whether they had initially received radical surgery, radiation, or active monitoring, which meant no immediate therapy, but intervention as needed.
He began to show immediate improvement and after three cycles of treatment received a blood stem cell transplant, and since has been cancer free for 19 months.
«Another potential application is biodefense, where eCAPs may be used as a rapid postexposure aerosol treatment in individuals after exposure to aerosolized pathogens, where the goal of immediate treatment would be to rapidly reduce bacterial dose from a lethal to a nonlethal or subclinical level,» says Montelaro.
After immediate treatment, it's often a good idea to transfer to a hospital with better heart facilities.
After hours and emergency cases involving your patients can be referred to a local animal hospital for immediate treatment.
This extremely safe method of treatment often provides immediate results with some pets feeling better within 12 to 24 hours after treatment.
Moreover, some dogs will have to have 4 to 6 treatment sessions before there will be any real improvement, although some dog owners are able to see immediate improvements in their dog's overall health after just one or two sessions.
After just one or two sessions of any of these hands - on treatments, you should see immediate, positive results in your dog.
Teemos suffered fractures to both the radius and ulna of her right front leg and, when taken into our care the wound was open, the bone was protruding from the leg and she was suffering further from infection.Teemos was stabilized to the best of our ability awaiting an indication from the owner that he was prepared to provide the care needed however, after a very few days we determined she required immediate specialist attention and she was transported to Oakland Veterinary Referral Services in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan for a consult and treatment by a Veterinary Orthopaedic Specialist.
After about an hour or so of comforting Miley, Hager finally gained her trust and was able to drive her to Los Angeles» Veterinary Care Center for immediate treatment.
In such cases, support needs to be available to cover not only the immediate medical bills, but also lost future income, the cost of medical treatment and physical therapy that will be needed years after the accident.
If the expert advocates deferring treatment until after the case, pressing a judge to assess quantum on the assumption of a positive outcome to post litigation treatment may be less risky than pressing ahead with immediate treatment with a low chance of success.
Emergency Medical Evacuation or Repatriation means: a) the Insured Person's medical condition warrants immediate transportation from the place where the Insured Person is located to the nearest adequate medical facility where Medical Treatment can be obtained; or (b) after being treated at a local medical facility as a result of a Emergency Medical Evacuation, the Insured Person's medical condition warrants transportation with a qualified medical attendant to his / her Home Country to obtain further Medical Treatment or to recover; or c) both a) and b) above.
Emergency Medical Evacuation or Repatriation means: a) the Insured Person's medical condition warrants immediate transportation from the place where the Insured Person is located (due to inadequate medical facilities) to the nearest adequate medical facility where medical Treatment can be obtained; or b) after being treated at a local medical facility as a result of a Medical Evacuation, the Insured Person's medical condition warrants transportation with a qualified medical attendant to his / her Home Country to obtain further medical Treatment or to recover; or c) both a) and b) above.
Emergency Medical Evacuation or Repatriation means: (a) the Insured Person's medical condition warrants immediate transportation from the place where the Insured Person is located to the nearest adequate medical facility where Medical Treatment can be obtained; or (b) after being Treated at a local medical facility as a result of an Emergency Medical Evacuation, the Insured Person's medical condition warrants transportation with a qualified medical attendant to his / her Home Country to obtain further Medical Treatment or to recover; or © both (a) and (b) above.
In these clinical random assignment studies, when therapists adhered to a manual of techniques and parents made changes in parenting skills (which were documented), the outcome included immediate posttreatment improvement and evidence of improvement 1 - 3 years after treatment.
Exclusion criteria were unconsciousness for more than 15 minutes after the accident or having no memory of the accident, history of psychosis, current alcohol or other substance dependence, borderline personality disorder, severe depression needing immediate treatment in its own right (suicide risk), and treatment or assessments that could not be conducted without the aid of an interpreter.
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