Sentences with phrase «immediately after coating»

The chocolate mixture will definitely stick to the banana, and you can serve it immediately after coating it with shredded coconut.

Not exact matches

Place cut parsnips in a large bowl and drizzle melted ghee all over — toss immediately to evenly coat (the ghee will solidify soon after tossing)
Immediately after circumcision, the tip of the penis is usually covered with gauze coated with petroleum jelly to keep the wound from sticking to the diaper.
If only a magical concoction existed with which a newborn's digestive membranes could be quickly coated immediately after birth and then, if repeatedly applied, it could possibly head off some less desirable environmental influences.
Roll them immediately in your preferred dry ingredient (desiccated coconut, ground almonds, etc) or if you're going to coat them in chocolate, set them onto a tray lined with baking paper (you'll coat them all at once after you've finished rolling).
Every year about a month after Christmas is over and I've had my fill of pom beanies, cozy coats and snow boots, something inside me shifts and I immediately start wishing spring would come... like now.
I like to add a second coat of polish immediately after I finish my first coat.
After some opening images — a shadowy blond figure, complete with trench coat and heels, dumping a corpse off a bridge — that immediately frame its tale of moneyed madness through the greasy lens of B - movie schlock, the film moves to an aging Durst (here renamed David Marks and played by Ryan Gosling) on the witness stand.
A cat typically shows no clinical signs immediately after infestation, but in time, she may develop a potbellied appearance, or she may lose weight and have a dull coat.
Also, it is desirable to evaluate the coat immediately after the dog completes the water test.
Epizyme will begin working immediately to improve digestion after the first dose, but it will take a while before you'll see significant improvement in your pet's weight, stools, and coat.
Effects won't begin immediately, but after a week or two, you should begin to see your pup's tear stains clear up as your dog's new coat grows in.
After finding Royal Canin for Bulldogs I noticed a difference also immediately, in the condition of their coat, no more gas, stool composition and smell.
After your Presa is all clean, cover the body with conditioner, which will bring a shine to the coat and prevent that doggy smell from immediately returning.
The wild festivities begin immediately after Christmas and continue all day and all night for two months until J'ouvert, an all - night party where revelers coat each other in chocolate, paint, and clay, and Port - of - Spain's exuberant two - day Carnival parade.
Although emissions from paints and coatings are highest during and immediately after application, they release low levels of toxic emissions into the air for years after application.
The coat sold out immediately after Markle was seen wearing it, but Lively was still able to get her...
Immediately after this encounter, give a command that is easy to follow, something like, «OK, now please get your coat
Remove the tape immediately after you have painted your last coat of paint.
Immediately remove the painter's tape after you apply the final coat of paint.
Can I repaint immediately after it dries or do I need to allow a couple hours between coats?
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