Sentences with phrase «immediately see the connection»

And, if you happen to be working with a book publicist who doesn't immediately see the connection between the news story and your book and your expertise, then it's crucial for you to let your book publicist know that this is the time to pitch you to the media.
Otherwise, I don't immediately see any connection with that thought experiment and the subject of SteveM's blog post.
If they can't immediately see the connection, an employer won't be able to grasp it, either.

Not exact matches

Talk to them in person about a picture you saw on their feed and you can immediately create a connection.
For Mark's Gospel, the connection occurs almost immediately, as Jesus's statement that some «will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power» prefaces the event of the transfiguration (Mark 9:1 — 2).
The Jews would have seen this connection immediately.
He saw immediately, and in his honesty expressed, the connection I am proposing.
Medawar did not immediately appreciate the link to Owen's work, but when he saw the connection, he decided to inject fetal mice in utero with tissue from mice of a different strain.
On my first date with Megan, I immediately felt a connection, and wanted to continue seeing her.
He saw the musical onstage for the first time in high school and immediately felt a strong connection to the score.
Today, in the ever - changing world of our information economy, individuals prosper who are fluent in several disciplines and comfortable moving among them, capable of distilling meaning from complexity, and adept at seeing connections where they may not be immediately apparent.
This question immediately creates a problem in that there is no consensus on what is meant by student achievement (see Kohn, 2001), which makes the determination of the effect of computer technologies upon this variable a tenuous connection at best.
If this doesn't work, and because the poor running has occurred immediately following a change of fuel filter, it may be wise to acquire a set of second hand fuel hoses and filter housing from a scrap dealer to see if that resolves the issue (as you may have damaged the housing, line or one of the connections whilst changing the filter).
I've got an electrician coming to look at it, but I've been warned by many car owners who've been in this country (Sierra Leone) longer than I have that car electrics is the biggest skills gap the largely self - taught local mechanics have, something I've seen evidence of already, e.g. none have been able to make any progress at all with this dashboard problem, and I've found many worrying things like blown fuses «fixed» by wrapping copper wire around the connections (I replaced all these immediately!).
In some communities, the connection between money and culture may not be immediately apparent and may be seen as incongruent and inconsistent with community values.
Take a quick look at the art and you'll see the connections immediately.
One can immediately see Januszkiewiczs» WCS connection through her bold use of color, but the deeper connection in this series, is not as obvious.
I have been a fan of Balthus for years and when I saw Virgin and Child Enthroned at the Clark I felt the connection to Piero della Francesca immediately.
So I encourage you that if you are at TECHSHOW and you are a Mac lawyer and you see someone else with the Mac lawyer badge, you just say, «Hey, I'm a Mac lawyer too», and immediately there is a connection there and I hope conversation start flowing about the different ways that people are using technology to enhance their practices and sharing those ideas and tips and tools.
I saw a test 8K broadcast in Washington DC during the 2012 Olympics, and while it was amazing and immediately well - beyond anything else I've ever seen before, it required nearly an entire room of equipment and a connection via Internet2 just to handle all the data.
Your Mac will immediately establish a screen - sharing connection with the other Mac, and you'll see its desktop in a window on your current Mac.
In some communities, the connection between money and culture may not be immediately apparent and may be seen as incongruent and inconsistent with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander values.
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