Sentences with phrase «immense number»

Having such a wide client base provides immense number of choices.
Our security guard recruitment agencies have associate offices navigating the country that engages them to source security watches from different parts of the country in immense numbers as required by their clients.
Messi and Ronaldo score immense number of goals because they play literally all the time.
Citizens, soldiers and governments alike tried to grasp the sheer immense numbers of combatants and materièl involved.
The essay finishes eagerly: «with hundreds of thousands of nebulae, each containing thousands of millions of suns, the odds are enormous that there must be immense numbers which possess planets whose circumstances would not render life impossible.»
Birdwatchers have been aware for decades of these «irruptions,» as the migrations of immense numbers of birds to areas far outside their usual range are known, but scientists say they've now identified climate patterns as the driving force behind them.
Computer Science programs usually cover an immense number of subject matters, from network security, to design practices, project planning, back end development, front end development, database management, data analysis, etc..
After Google's AlphaGo defeated grandmaster Lee Se - dol in go — that deceptively simple game of black and white stones with an immense number of possibilities — Hassabis called «Starcraft» «the next step up.»
An immense number of physical coincidences had to have converged in the initial stages of the universe, as well as later on, if it were eventually to bear life.
This is because of the immense number of circumstantial «accidents» over billions of years that form our particular path to consciousness (including, perhaps, periodic cometary bombardment of the earth and resulting extinctions).
The audio - visual media (cinema, television, etc.) populate their hours with an immense number of people in an endless attempt to excite our senses.
An immense number of important new facts has been learnt, but the simplicity of the reduction has disappeared.
No other intellectual and moral virtue can bring together the immense number of idle hands with the immense amounts of work still to be done to improve the living conditions of the poor.
In part because of their immense numbers, such stars are in some respects easier for astronomers to study.
When IBM computer Deep Blue defeated chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, it was by evaluating an immense number of moves in a very short time — a feat of brute - force calculation that hardly qualifies as intelligence.
Any particular conscious state rules out an immense number of other possible states, from which it differs in its own particular way.
«These animals are subject to terrific stresses underground: darkness, scarcity of food, immense numbers of pathogens and low oxygen levels.
The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans also has to juggle an immense number of stakeholders and their needs when managing the Fraser sockeye: coastal fisheries with different gear types, the in - river First Nations harvest, and one of the largest recreational fisheries in Canada.
The electromagnetic spectrum consists of an immense number of wavelengths.
«We're talking about an immense number of insects,» Menz says.
Snails are in high favor with French epicures, and immense numbers of these mollusks are eaten in Paris.
An immense number are required for the Chinese market.
«There are an immense number of possibilities for C2c2 and we are excited to develop it into a platform for life science research and medicine.»
Scott Pruitt has racked up an immense number of scandals in his tenure leading the Environmental Protection Agency.
The pain of feeling either dispensable or empty is something an immense number of people are suffering from.
You perfectly nail the upside of the style, «no longer fear the daytime event,» it covers an immense number of occasions and events.
These days, the Internet is littered with an immense number of singles dating websites.
Minor print errors like debris and scratches abound, but far more troubling are the immense number of compression artifacts.
Indeed, the immense number of computerbased options can foster score reports that are patently off target for many users.
We realize that there is an immense number of committed citizens across the city, working on issues related to education.
You get to reach an immense number of readers interested in your book's genres.
We have a mix of curated and sponsored books You reach a massive number of readers (8 Million + Readers) and an immense number of daily active readers (1,137,700 + Daily Active Readers).
An immense number of people are suddenly getting the opportunity to share their stories with the people they need to share them with.
You get to reach an immense number of readers interested in your book's genres If they like your reading, they buy your books.
Not only will your child have access to an immense number of books, movies, TV shows and educational apps, but they'll have access to a ton of fun games.
«We see this type of situation often when well - intentioned animal lovers become overwhelmed with the immense number of animals in their home — 78 animals is certainly an intense number,» says SDHS president Gary Weitzman.
Unfortunately, there is no where near the space or funds available within our country to support the immense number of animals produced; a great many of them wind up in shelters or «euthanized».
Renowned for its powder snow and long runs, a traditional Japanese village and an immense number of onsens this seemed to be a great choice.
Darwin noted the immense number of organisms dependent on the kelp forests.
An immense number of outdoor activities are featured, from snorkeling to paddle boarding in Eleuthera.
- The ability to customise an immense number of things about your character, from your castle to your clothes to your personal history to your bloodline.
So when something as brilliantly wrought as Lost Planet 2 comes along, with its immense number of fascinating nuances and insightful design choices, it receives coverage that's very much distorted and more than a little bit unfair on account of how the gaming press is structured.
Tucked in among an immense number of audio, visual, control and gameplay refinements is the introduction of proper, native support for HTC Vive and Oculus...
Immense number of characters and weapons, fantastic large and small levels, and a fully customizable and mapmaking system.
No matter how many consoles of the next - gen hardware are sold, they're still dwarfed by the immense number of gamers that reliably own and cling to their beloved 7th - gen systems.
The immense number of choices that we present you, covers a lot of interest areas.
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