Sentences with phrase «immersion students do»

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At L'Etoile du Nord French Immersion School, in St. Paul, Minnesota, a group of sixth - grade students volunteered to help Books for Africa with this type of work after holding a book drive for the organization.
That's where new solutions like Duolingo's translate text immersion and's read function come in handy.One thing is for sure, teachers want their students to progress and weaving digital solutions into the curriculum that don't eat up student - teacher time and help support learning is a win - win for everyone.
So we did a lot of immersion work around the Danish model of nature play... and now this year the students have designed a program for mid-primary students.
«We don't have enough students to fill up [English immersion] classes at each grade level,» Vargas Page said.
As the consumption - based model of technology integration transitions to a participatory approach and technology transitions from a tool for accessing information to a tool to (a) support student authoring and creativity, (b) facilitate collaboration, communication, and social learning, (c) allow for more efficient organization and accumulation of resources, (d) provide venues for student voices through publication and sharing, and (e) support student immersion in learning environments, educators also transition from «extending learning beyond what could be done without technology» (Mason et al., 2000) to «use technologies to promote effective student learning» (Hicks et al., 2014) In the revisioning of the first principle, the authors did a commendable job of affording increased value to range of tools, methods, content, abilities, and varied contexts of social studies classrooms.
Opportunities for local immersion experiences that do not require students to travel internationally are also available to fulfill the concentration requirements.
It is recognized that to do so requires a deliberate course of study, including coursework in a specific content area, and research and active immersion in the community of student and faculty scholars within the program and throughout the School of Education, the University, and the profession.
In those cases where the self - governed schools are beating the odds with challenging student populations, the answer might have more to do with the teacher - leaders» ability to select an appropriate approach, such as language immersion, or to fine - tune their tactics in the classroom.
Teachers were very concerned that the draft templates do not address students with special needs on IEPs, ESL learners, or even French immersion.
Students enrolled in a language immersion program don't just take a class in Spanish, Chinese, or French.
Opportunities for local immersion experiences that do not require students to travel internationally are also available and will fulfill the concentration requirements.
The school may participate as soon as the following year, however, accepting students through OneApp for the 2014 - 15 school year just like some of the state - chartered immersion schools are slated to do.
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