Sentences with phrase «immigrant status»

The phrase "immigrant status" refers to the legal condition or position of a person who has moved from one country to another to live permanently. It indicates whether someone has been granted the right to stay and work in their new country or if they are still in the process of obtaining legal permission to do so. Full definition
Examples of documentation are: an international credit report, bank statement, valid work permit, and proof of landed immigrant status.
The policy is not to use any police enforcement or equipment regardless of immigrant status.
They obtained their landed immigrant status and were in the midst of getting Canadian permanent residency.
In response to widespread feelings of anxiety about immigrant status in these schools» communities, many teams also hosted information nights for families to learn about their constitutional rights and to complete family - preparedness plans in the event of an emergency.
Violence against immigrant women: the roles of culture, context, and legal immigrant status on intimate partner violence
Race / ethnicity and English - language - learner (ELL) status are inadequate proxies for immigrant status, but this brief illustrates that students from immigrant families are a group that requires researchers», policy makers», and educators» attention.This brief draws on interviews conducted with 47 eighth grade students and 27 parents during the 2008 - 09 school year, including 25 students from immigrant families and 16 immigrant parents.
M (Vocational Students and Dependents), N (Parents and Children of Certain People Who Have Been Granted Special Immigrant Status),
Consequently, the United States Constitution enables Congress to delineate the rights, duties, and liabilities that accompany legal immigrant status.
The agency reports that it checks the fingerprint data with agency records with the United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology Program (US - VISIT) Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT), see EPIC FOIA obtained document on US VISIT for more information.
For those who are upset by the election results, all of the the differences in gender, sexuality, race, socio - economic, and immigrant status between us are now highlighted and some feel more vulnerable that others.
Teacher collaboration interacts with language minority status to foster lower mathematics achievement for non-native English - speaking Latinos / as, and teacher collaboration interacts with immigrant status to nurture higher mathematics achievement for immigrant Latinos / as.
Not only does his colored skin bring hope to people of color, or his father's immigrant status bring dreams to immigrants, his fresh albeit obvious views (so obvious that you wonder why it was never noted before) on important issues is in desperate...
In 2006, when Mande was one of 50 students who won an essay contest held by Oprah Winfrey on the book Night by Elie Wiesel, her best friend declared she had won only because of her life in the Congo and her U.S. immigrant status.
Looking at the Spanish and English reading benefits associated with these four language acquisition approaches, this study takes into account differences in student background characteristics, including family economic standing, student immigrant status, gender, and age at school entry, students» initial English instructional rating, bilingual program exposure (in years), and factors associated with school context.
Combining conceptual models from immigration and educational research, this study by former Young Scholar Robert Crosnoe, published in the International Migration Review (Volume 41, Number 1, Spring 2007) investigated whether a normative antecedent to the transition to formal schooling in the contemporary U.S. — early child care — links Mexican immigrant status to various aspects of school readiness.
While the title directly references Uklański's own immigrant status in America, the broad scope of his work addresses more than the themes of identity politics.
Speaking of race, writes Imani Perry in Race and Rioting: «Yesterday was the first time that I heard race or immigrant status mentioned on broadcast television with respect to the recent uprisings and protests occurring in poor and working class suburbs across France.
If you are a foreign national who is inadmissible because of serious criminality or criminality, you can not be given landed immigrant status until you have proven you are rehabilitated or pardoned.
If the default rule does not apply because a civil rights law unrelated to immigration bars discrimination against a tenant, someone's undocumented immigrant status probably doesn't provide an absolute defense to the civil rights law, but might be one factor among many that a landlord could consider in choosing among available tenants in much the same way that credit ratings, income, and a prospective tenant's criminal record, and other factors might be considered.
New American scientists: First generation immigrant status and college STEM aspirations, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 22, 1 - 21.
This study examined to what extent immigrant status and other factors play a role in determining measures of their children's health and well - being, and finally to investigate whether a home visiting intervention modified any of these factors.
The combination of younger average age, more likely immigrant status, and higher home prices may have contributed to the urban respondents» stronger expressed financial reliance on their family to buy a home.
Midlands Middle College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, or immigrant status in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Effect of immigrant status on risk of depressive symptoms associated with spouse's chronic conditions
Teelucksingh, C. and Galabuzi, E. Impact of race and immigrant status on employment opportunities and outcomes in the Canadian labour market, 2005; 22: 1 - 13.
Member of the SRA Security Team supporting the United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (US - VISIT) Program Office.
Some labour force data is available for workers who self - identify as aboriginal (off - reserve only), and workers with landed immigrant status.
More recently Statistics Canada made labour market data available on CANSIM by landed immigrant status, going back to 2006.
What we do know is that the association has been shown over and over again, in the USA and Europe, and appears to hold true even when accounting for access to healthcare, poverty and immigrant status.
Early Thursday morning, the City Council voted to create an inspector general to review and monitor the NYPD and expand the definition of racial profiling to include age, gender, sexual orientation and immigrant status.
He said using the public's anger to create divisiveness among religions and people's immigrant status, is not what's «made America great».
«I think people, regardless of their immigrant status, deserve equal protection under the law.»
Despite his then - immigrant status (he is now a U.S. citizen) and community college background, he was able to secure relevant internships and establish a solid network of mentors and peers.
Within and across each of these circles of analysis, we consider the pervasive inequalities of access, opportunity, and student outcomes; the historical and contemporary influences of race, culture, gender, class, and immigrant status; and the opportunities for addressing — and reducing — these asymmetries.
«Although family engagement is a key predictor of children's school success, many families — especially those impacted by racial and income inequities and immigrant status — often lack genuine opportunities for engagement.
Latinos / as often are perceived in two contradictory ways as a result of the key characteristics that define their ethno - racial status within schools: their language minority status and their immigrant status.
To summarize, our analysis found evidence of a differential effect of collaboration for Latinos / as based on ELL and immigrant status.
Specifically, we examined the role of Latino / a students» immigrant status and language spoken at home in moderating the relationship between teacher collaboration and mathematics achievement trajectories.
Dr. Gadsden's research and scholarly interests focus on children and families across the life - course, from early childhood through the aging process, particularly children and families at the greatest risk for academic and social vulnerability by virtue of race, gender, ethnicity, poverty, and immigrant status.
To help BEST Noyce scholars support a student population that is increasingly diverse in race and ethnicity, social class, immigrant status, and proficiency in English and other languages, they enroll in two courses: ME 530 Equitable Pedagogies in STEM Education and TL 525 Teaching English Learners in the Middle / High School.
Racial / ethnic disparities in short sleep duration by occupation: the contribution of immigrant status.
Like the late high school teacher in East Los Angeles whose exploits were made famous in the film, «Stand and Deliver,» Marin doesn't want to hear and refuses to accept that some kids can't learn because of their immigrant status, native language, cultural background, or economic disadvantage.
School success maps strongly with traditional markers of privilege (by race, income, class, immigrant status, etc.) and school failure maps predictably along lines of poverty.
Poverty, disabilities and limited - English proficiency are common factors generating additional funding, but there are numerous other possibilities on which less consensus exists: race, immigrant status, and parents» education level, to name several.
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