Sentences with phrase «imminent defeat»

Putting so much faith into an app that is facing imminent defeat would certainly not be your smartest decision as a parent.
In light of what everyday looks more and more like imminent defeat for anti-gay zealots, concerns have shifted to an expectation of facing discrimination for all the persecution they've heaped on so many innocent people.
[274] However, he was less unpopular with eurosceptics than Clarke, and on the third ballot of the subsequent leadership election Clarke, facing imminent defeat by William Hague, offered to stand aside in Heseltine's favour, but he declined on medical advice.
Sometimes it's a source of frustration as a blue shell knocks you from first to last just seconds from the finishing line, but in return there's the thrill of turning imminent defeat into a shock victory.
Provided that Mishima understood his action in the traditional Buddhist way»» as a preservation of honor in the face of imminent defeat and done in accordance with Buddhist scriptures»» the notion of suicide is simply inapplicable.
As Iraqi «Chemical» Ali was constantly on television lying about the imminent defeat of Iraq by the Western Coalition Forces, telling Iraqis that the forces of Saddam Hussein were fending off the Coalition Forces whereas the opposite was actually occurring on the ground, so is President «Comical» Mahama doing to Ghanaians.
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