Sentences with phrase «imminent end of the world»

However, the greatness of Christianity was first manifest when its founders, utterly convinced of the imminent end of the world, «gave free reign to their absolute ethical intuitions respecting ideal possibilities without a thought of the preservation of society» (AI 16).
Does it shatter our faith in Jesus to think that he may have been mistaken as to the imminent end of the world and the events that would surround it»?
The religious utopianism of the Anabaptists in the Reformation period and of the Levellers and Diggers in England grew out of the Christian expectation of the imminent end of the world and the attempt within the religious community to begin to live the life of the new order here and now.
on the one hand evangelical programs proclaim the transcience and imminent end of this world, yet feature guests whose sole credential lies in their success in this world.
He only cries out «eschatologically» in expectation of the «wholly other,» of that transcendence which he powerfully presents before humanity in the form of the imminent end of the world.
In Wright's interpretation, which owes much to the realized eschatological views of C. H. Dodd and G. B. Caird, Jesus did not proclaim the imminent end of the world, if by «world» one means the space - time continuum.
But if the crisis that Jesus announced was not the imminent end of the world, what was it?
He himself was conscious of being «the eschatological prophet»; the crisis that runs throughout his teaching was the imminent end of the world; his historical purpose was to warn his hearers to repent before it was too late and to invite them to ground their existence in God, for the world was soon to pass away.
It is otherwise with Jesus; for neither in the condemning of legalistic piety nor in the requirements of the Sermon on the Mount does reference to the imminent end of the world play any part whatever.
Now it is certainly true that as a result of the expectation of the imminent end of this world, Jesus was not interested in many of the concrete possibilities in which man's obedience can be proved on earth.
It is argued that because of this expectation of the imminent end of the world, Jesus had no interest in the different aspects of moral life, in marriage and work, in the value of property and civil order.
While terror - filled accounts do turn up in some literature from the period, they do not dominate it, and Western Europe in the decades following the year 1000 did not generally act like a society paralyzed by fear of the imminent end of the world or disappointed by the failure of its eschatological schedule.
Despite some throwaway jokes about celebrity, the whole thing quickly begins to feel like a gimmick, trading on pre-established personalities and generalized ideas of Hollywood excess, when most of these discussions and problems could pertain to any group of thirtysomething males faced with the imminent end of the world.
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