Sentences with phrase «imminent ice age»

After all, nobody had in fact published a firm prediction of an imminent ice age or runaway global warming in a peer - reviewed scientific journal.
«the reference point for the start of the alarming decline of arctic sea ice, about the time when we were awash with warnings about the imminent ice age
No, we were never «awash with warnings about the imminent ice age
The author's reasoned answer, then, to the question, «Do Recent Climatic Fluctuations Portend an Imminent Ice Age
The solar hypothesis appears to fit the observed pattern of climatic fluctuation in much greater detail, and does not call for an imminent Ice Age.
Watt also declared, that by the year 2000, «there won't be any more crude oil» and forecast an imminent ice age.
They concluded: «There was no scientific consensus in the 1970s that the Earth was headed into an imminent ice age.
On other forums the cold Northern Hemisphere weather in January 2018 is being taken as a sure sign of an imminent Ice Age.
The study reports, «There was no scientific consensus in the 1970s that the Earth was headed into an imminent ice age.
The internet's perverse algorithms select for «man bites dog» stories, which explains why every yahoo with a «global cooling», «imminent ice age» video gets pushed to the front of the queue.
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