Sentences with phrase «immortality when»

This has always been the implicit logic of faith in immortality when it has been most powerful and morally significant.
Now man lost his immortality when he gain the knowledge of both good and evil, that's why the serpent said, you shall not surely die, however you will be like gods, knowing both good and evil.

Not exact matches

We know where and how and when concepts of immortality arose.
And especially after the Noachian Flood, did false religion take a leap, with false religious doctrines and practices such as the trinity, immortality of the soul, that God torments people in a «hellfire», the establishment of a clergy class, the teaching of «personal salvation» as more important than the sanctification of God's name of Jehovah (Matt 6:9), the sitting in a church while a religious leader preaches a sermon, but the «flock» is not required to do anything more, except put money when the basket is passed.
Because SIN caused death and when God Create man in the beginning was to have immortality.
Immortality is not really a religious idea when it stands apart from the idea of grace, that is, when the destiny of the souls is not seen as ultimately one with their origin.
Hartshorne expresses this implied identification of individual immortality with a «soul - substance» when he writes that the notion of an «immortal soul» has «muddled and confused many problems» (CSPM 45).
In this sense, Mbiti rightly refers to the Zamani as a realm of «collective immortality» when he says that, «the living - dead do not vanish out of existence: they now enter into the state of collective immortality» (ARP 33).
It is not a matter of a substantial ego to which experiences «happen», so that we might detach the former from the latter after the fashion suggested in the common notion of immortality of the soul when that soul has been «separated» from the body.
This aspect of her book is often downplayed, as when commentators celebrate her literary immortality by citing her prophetic line, «I want to go on living even after my death!»
Then explain where you got «hell» when the Hebrew «Sheol» was NOT a place of punishment, AND the Hebrews did not even believe in immortality.
I take Whitehead literally when he says that these units by virtue of objective immortality, live everlastingly, but not literally when he says they perish.
The apostle Paul says there will be a future date when man will «put on immortality» which means we do not currently have it 1 Cor15: 51 - 54
Moreover, we are sometimes afflicted with a sense of impending crisis, lending force to Niebuhr's observation that «one of the most pathetic aspects of human history is that every civilization expresses itself most pretentiously, compounds its partial and universal values most convincingly, and claims immortality for its finite existence at the very moment when the decay which leads to death has already begun.»
They have confused «immortality of the soul» with whatever may be intended by the biblical phrase «resurrection of the body»; while theologians have attempted, as we have already observed, when I described the older scheme which comprised the last things, to bring the two conceptions together in a fashion which will retain each of them and yet relate them so that a consistent pattern may be provided.
Heaven, hell, purgatory, resurrection, personal immortality, and final judgment are all eschatological concepts, as is the kingdom of God when it is viewed in the light of a final consummation.
People who believe in immortality may think about God's judgment when any death occurs, it's part of the unknown dimension of death that makes us suspenseful, nervous, anxious, fearful.
And when the great Socrates traced the arguments for immortality in his address to his disciples on the day of his death, he did not merely teach this doctrine: at that moment he lived his doctrine.
One can therefore divert oneself by reflecting how strange it is that precisely in our age when everyone is able to accomplish the highest things doubt about the immortality of the soul could be so widespread, for the man who has really made even so much as the movement of infinity is hardly a doubter.
Or perhaps the kind of immortality Goethe allowed to his friend Wieland, when he said in his conversation with Falk: «I would not be at all surprised if I met Wieland again some thousands of years hence as a star of the first magnitude..., and saw with my own eyes how he infused everything around him with a pleasant light.»
No good purpose is served by concealing this fact, as is often done today when things that are really incompatible are combined by the following type of over-simplified reasoning: that whatever in early Christian teaching appears to us irreconcilable with the immortality of the soul, viz. the resurrection of the body, is not an essential affirmation for the first Christians but simply an accommodation to the mythological expressions of the thought of their time, and that the heart of the matter is the immortality of the soul.
It has been said against me, «I can accept the immortality of the soul, but not the resurrection of the body», or «I can not believe that our loved ones merely sleep for an indeterminate period, and that I myself, when I die, shall merely sleep while awaiting the resurrection».
Here, too, they assumed that when they asserted the existence of God, the immortality of the soul, or the ultimacy of being, they were either correct or incorrect, that is, that what they said corresponded, or did not correspond, with some feature of the totality.
Angels are not sent out by God except when there is a real problem to be addressed and fixed; the very least the Unification Church could have done when I told them about this visitor (who is still with me by the way) was to send someone out to talk to me to see exactly what it was that I may have really known about the Providence concerning Rev. Moon reaching immortality in the flesh: but I suppose they all thought they knew more than my servant John; who happens to be» the greatest in the kingdom of heaven».
In a poem written in 1912 (when I was 14), I presuppose a conventional idea of heaven, but after encountering Whitehead on objective immortality I felt that nothing more was needed.
JK: When I read what you said about personal immortality, while I'm inclined to agree with a lot of it — for example, your rejection of egoism — I still have some difficulties with it.
Further, it is compatible with the doctrine that contemporaries do not prehend each other, since each of the entities participating in this special regional relationship would still prehend the other only when that other entity had passed into objective immortality.
When, for example, Jeremiah, thrown back on God amid the social disintegration of his time, entered into a trustful reliance on Yahweh — «my strength, and my stronghold, and my refuge in the day of affliction» (Jeremiah 16:19)-- he was unwittingly blazing a trail toward faith in immortality.
Tertullian (A.D. 155 - 220): «For some things are known even by nature: the immortality of the soul, the instance, is held by many... I may use, therefore, the opinion of Plato, when he declares: «Every soul is immortal»»
When the physiologist who thinks that his science cuts off all hope of immortality pronounces the phrase, «Thought is a function of the brain,» he thinks of the matter just as he thinks when he says, «Steam is a function of the tea - kettle,» «Light is a function of the electric circuit,» «Power is a function of the moving waterfall.&raWhen the physiologist who thinks that his science cuts off all hope of immortality pronounces the phrase, «Thought is a function of the brain,» he thinks of the matter just as he thinks when he says, «Steam is a function of the tea - kettle,» «Light is a function of the electric circuit,» «Power is a function of the moving waterfall.&rawhen he says, «Steam is a function of the tea - kettle,» «Light is a function of the electric circuit,» «Power is a function of the moving waterfall.»
You realize that when Paul was teaching about immortality and eternal life that he was talking about two different principles.
The notion of personal immortality arose in Hebrew culture late in the Apocalyptic period, and simply was not present earlier, when all dead souls were thought to go to Sheol, into a «dormant» state.
However this may be, it is apparent that there is not now, there never has been, and there never will be, any strictly logical demonstration of what the Christian is talking about when he speaks not so much of immortality as of «eternal life» and above all when he declares his faith in «resurrection».
Similarly, when Christian theologians like Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory the Great, and Thomas Aquinas affirm the soul's natural immortality, they do so from within the horizon of Omega immortality: our nature itself is a gift; it's a gift all the way down.
We feel the need for immortality most acutely when we are made sensible of the inexhaustible value of another person or the tragedy of a life cut short.
When a Jew or Christian rejects belief in resurrection, what remains is an abstraction that resembles Beta immortality only superficially, for it is without mythos or askesis.
Some theologians today prefer not to use the term «immortality» when they speak of the future life, lest the Greek idea of the natural immortality of the soul be suggested by it.
6 In support of his claim that Bergsonian and Whiteheadian proto - mentalisms are fundamentally of the same cloth, Capek cites the following passage from Whitehead's «Immortality» (1941): «When memory and anticipation are completely absent, there is complete conformity to the average influence of the past.
Ferrari: Race to Immortality takes a close look at the early days of the Scuderia in F1 when it was much less of a powerhouse than it was now and when Enzo Ferrari was just trying to establish himself like any other team owner.
Just like four years ago, New England will be the favorite entering the game, but unlike when the Patriots were on a quest for 19 - 0 and football immortality, the betting line is much lower in this year's matchup.
It was savagely reviewed when first published but is now regarded as one of Trollope's finest novels in which he castigates immortality and dishonesty in politics, fi nance and society.
When asked my position on immortality, for example, I replied, «I'm for it!»
The key to cancer cell immortality are the cell's telomeres, repetitive stretches of DNA at the ends of chromosomes that may protect the chromosomes when they divide.
«I was there when that happened,» said Melton's former postdoc Hemmati - Brivanlou to the author Stephen S. Hall in his book Merchants of Immortality, «and we went through a very scary period.»
Both promises of immortality (life after death or elongated life on earth) preserved hope for people with low self - esteem when they had just thought about their own death.
In two studies, the team tested to see if «immortality» would help people with low self - esteem remain hopeful when thinking about death.
When the Model B hurtles into a bank of trees, leaving Hyde tangled in the branches with a broken arm, we are reminded that one uncertain tilt of the rudder during their first flight could have vanquished the Wrights» quest for scientific immortality.
Stop that process and (just maybe) immortality beckons; hence the frenzy a decade ago when a group of researchers claimed they had figured out how to slow that winding - down.
Steve: And the holy grail is once we understand the brain well enough, we could actually upload all the contents of our brain when our bodies start to fail and insert those contents into an artificial body and for all intent and purposes achieve immortality.
But those same qualities — migration, colonization, proliferation, self - renewal, immortality — can be used against us, when stem cells go bad, and decide to build tumors instead.
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