Sentences with phrase «immune system attacks normal»

Fly strike, with its red, crusty, bleeding lesions on the tips of a dog's ears can look just like mange, scratching from allergies, vasculitis — swollen, inflamed blood vessels — or erythematosis, an autoimmune disorder where the animal's immune system attacks normal, healthy tissue.
Autoimmunity is a process where the body's immune system attacks normal healthy tissue.

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Now, thanks to the new mouse model, it will be possible to study how renal tumors are able to develop in an environment with a normal immune system, and how cancer cells manage to evade the immune system's attacks.
Normal microorganisms in the intestines appear to play a pivotal role in how the HIV virus foils a successful attack from the body's immune system, according to new research from Duke Medicine.
They can also induce responses against normal tissue antigens, leading the immune system to attack normal tissues and cause toxicity in a subset of patients.
Another way to say this is that one would like to figure out whether it is the beta cells screwing up and attracting the immune system or does the immune system screw up and attack perfectly normal beta cells?
Under normal conditions, so - called checkpoint inhibitor molecules rein in the immune system to ensure that it does not attack the body's own cells, tissues and organs.
Hypothyroidism — an underproduction of hormones by the thyroid gland in the neck — is caused by an abnormal immune system response that mistakenly attacks normal body tissue.
«When inflammation persists beyond its intended borders and purpose, however, the immune system mistakenly attacks normal cells, and the process that ordinarily heals becomes destructive.
[Phosphate] destroys the lipid layer of the skin; [fragrances and dyes] activate the T cell arm of the immune system, which can mistakenly attack normal cells.»
When a genetically susceptible person eats a certain type of wheat protein (gliadin), the body's immune system starts attacking normal tissue.
This is a critical factor in the immune system knowing not to attack the normal and healthy bacteria on the skin.
In autoimmune disorders, your immune system makes antibodies that mistakenly attack normal tissue.
These could be from «normal» food, however, in a undigested / not - completely broken down form, your body thinks they are foreign invaders and attacks these molecules mounting an immune system response against them.
Triggers that affect the immune system's response to certain substances may cause the body to react slower than normal, or over-react where the body attacks and damages its own tissues (autoimmune disease).
For some, this means that the immune system will attack the body during normal functioning, damaging its own tissues and causing destruction within the body that is quite painful.
The immune system attacks these undigested foreign particles creating a deluge of activity that derails it from it's normal job of dealing with pollen.
The cat's immune system then makes antibodies to attack the virus, just as it would do if the virus was active and in its normal form.
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