Sentences with phrase «immunity as»

(4) In exercising, or assisting in the exercise of, the functions or powers mentioned in paragraph (1A)(a), the Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice have the same protection and immunity as if they were exercising, or assisting in the exercise of, those functions or powers as, or as members of, the Court.
(2AAB) In deciding whether to consent as mentioned in paragraph (2AAA)(a), the Chief Justice has the same protection and immunity as if he or she were making that decision as, or as a member of, the Court.
A family consultant has, in performing his or her functions as a family consultant, the same protection and immunity as a Judge of the Family Court has in performing the functions of a Judge.
This appears to undermine the established principle that the ET may not substitute its decision for that of the employer but only establish whether it fell within the band of reasonable responses Post-Lake decisions on judicial immunity as applied to disciplinary proceedings are of some assistance in pinpointing its impact.
In Al - Juffali, previously discussed by Philippa Webb on this blog, the appellant had applied to strike out a claim by his wife on the basis that he was entitled to immunity as Permanent Representative of St Lucia to the International Maritime Organisation.
The Chief Justice also dispensed with the application of interjurisdictional immunity as a doctrine to be used in Aboriginal title cases.
English law recognises sovereign immunity as a valid defence to the enforcement of a foreign judgment against a State.
The UK Supreme Court decision in NML Capital Ltd v Republic of Argentina -LRB-[2011] UKSC 31) confirms that a State is able to raise sovereign immunity as a defence in respect of enforcement proceedings of foreign judgments and awards, even if the underlying proceedings relate to commercial transactions unless the State has expressly waived sovereign immunity as a defence to enforcement (as it had on the facts of that case).
The KRG sought to argue for such a body of common law, including state immunity as recognised generally by common law courts throughout the world, to be treated as part of the law of the DIFC, because it was said to incorporate, in turn, customary international law in relation to state immunity.
But Judge Buckwalter decided to reject Greene's allegations of having been defamed and ruled that Street was a «high public official» who had immunity as PHA's chairman.
The majority trend in previous Quebec cases has been to plead state immunity as a declinatory exception, thereby treating it as a question of compétence, not recevabilité.
Another approach to avoid this concern might be to regard immunity as inapplicable to a proceeding which relates directly to another, non-immune underlying proceeding only where it is a necessary or readily foreseeable corollary of that underlying proceeding — as is the case with proceedings to enforce a foreign arbitral award, but not, presumably, with a defamation action arising from statements made in an earlier proceeding.
According to a study published in a recent issue of Health Management, Policy and Innovation (HMPI), there was no negative impact on patient safety when approximately 900 University of Miami Health System doctors received sovereign immunity from medical malpractice claims while working at 1,600 - bed government - owned Jackson Memorial Hospital (JMH), which is protected by sovereign immunity as a government entity.
Modified live virus vaccines provide enhanced stimulation of cell - mediated immunity as compared with inactivated vaccines, thus providing more heterosubtypic immunity (i.e., protection across subtypes).
For puppies, injectable vaccination provides good systemic immunity as long as two doses are given (approximately one month apart) after age 4 months.
I would, as a practitioner, recommend yearly blood titers (tests to analyze the level of protection) to determine the duration of immunity as a safe guard to assure proper protection for your cat.
Most veterinarians and breeders recommend a course of vaccinations for puppies to build immunity as the mother's antibodies diminish in the puppy's body.
Here are our top 7 unconventional foods that can provide your dog with powerful antioxidants that benefit his immunity as well as support joint health, his digestive system and more.
Preferably at the six week visit to begin to build immunity as soon as possible.
Dehydration may lead to poor blood circulation and disease immunity as well as thinner skin cell development
You have to regard the supplements or vitamins with several nutrients to support to complete immunity as well as health.
Chronic irritation may permanently alter corneal immunity as well because the pigment migration often progresses to areas of non-irritated corena if the problem is not addressed.
Initial shots are given to puppies to gradually phase - in immunity as the mother's milk protection wears off.
An antibody titer is a blood test that helps determine your pet's level of immunity as a result of prior vaccination or exposure to infectious organisms.
Plus, it contains a balance of omega fatty acids for immunity as well as skin and coat health.
The composition of vaccines is changed occasionally to reflect the infections seen in that region, but it does not guarantee total immunity as there are always other serovars active in the environment.
It serves as the body's primary system of immunity as it functions to create immune cells.
Read this article to see how probiotics can improve your digestion and immunity as well as the best sources to build up your healthy colonies in your digestive system.
Stress - reduction techniques such as acupuncture, meditation, movement, creative projects, hobbies, and talk therapies are all ways to help boost immunity as well.
Some immune experts classify auto - immunity as «Immuno - toxicity» and believe that it may be the major factor in the increasing rates of asthma, auto - immune disorders, allergies, cancers, and chronic viral infections world wide.
And as if you couldn't have guessed... fish oil and krill oils have been shown to improve and boost the immunity as well.
Hyperbiotics has brought out a prebiotic supplement that has women health and immunity as its exclusive concern.
The ability of cells to perceive and correctly respond to the signals is critical for growth and development, tissue repair, and immunity as well as normal homeostasis in every tissue.
Honey is great for boosting the immunity as it has antiviral properties that may fight sickness.
Orange — Oranges are great for immunity as we all know due to their high vitamin C level.
Until recently, experimental models of transplantation have focused primarily on the T cell arm of adaptive immunity as the entire cause of acute and chronic rejection.
Early Rise of Blood T Follicular Helper Cell Subsets and Baseline Immunity as Predictors of Persisting Late Functional Antibody Responses to Vaccination in Humans Spensieri F., Siena E., Borgogni E., Zedda L., Cantisani R., Chiappini N., Schiavetti F., Rosa D., Castellino F., Montomoli E., Bodinham C.L., Lewis D.J., Medini D., Bertholet S., Del Giudice G. Plos ONE, 2016 11 (6): e0157066.
Therefore, the protective antibodies present in subjects» blood after treatment with mRNA - 1440 and mRNA - 1851 are likely attributed to Moderna's vaccines and not to active immunity as a result of previous exposure to the virus.
«We really need to think about the interactions of retroviruses and host immunity as the product of an ancient arms race stretching back to the early origins of vertebrates,» Katzaourakis said.
If it turns out that vaccinated people lose their immunity as they get older, that could leave them vulnerable to measles outbreaks seeded by unvaccinated people — which are increasingly common in the United States and other developed countries.
«The way forward is to come up with new vaccines that provide long - lasting immunity as well as a strong safety profile.»
He is taking immunity as shield to abuse the dignity of the office of Governor.
Received immunity as a grand jury witness.
Thus, it boosts the immunity as well as increases the mood of happiness.
But I had it 4 years ago, and since I was no longer pregnant by the time I was asking about it, I was trying to figure out if the guideline was only about antibody transfer, which we were too late for, or if it had to do with waning immunity as well, in which case I need to get my family to get updated.
«A young man who, undeservedly, was given immunity as the NCAA enforcement staff deliberately turned away from his own admitted violations so that it could pursue the school and the recruiter it really wanted — Ole Miss and Barney Farrar.»
I partnered these powerhouse oats with coconut which is excellent for one's immunity as we quickly approach flu & cold season.
They also play important role in bolstering immunity as 70 % of the immunity system is found in the gut.
They also boost your immunity as they are a good source of zinc, vitamin E and phenolic acids.
Yet, local media said Guerékoyamé's arrest disrepected his immunity as an NTC member.
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