Sentences with phrase «immunizing mosquitoes»

Halting the World's Most Lethal Parasite: Immunizing Mosquitoes and Other «Crazy» Antimalaria Ideas
Esvelt believes that immunizing mosquitoes against the malaria parasite, a positive application of CRISPR - Cas9, is a better place to start than eradicating a species with a lethal gene drive.
A new malaria vaccine, a plan to immunize mosquitoes, and other «crazy» ideas have brightened prospects for vanquishing this killer

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Prior to mosquito transmission (A), differences between the I - lines and N - lines were significant in three out of the four cases (p < 0.05 for lines from the unadapted line infecting naïve mice, p < 0.01 for unadapted infecting immunized, and p < 0.001 for preadapted infecting immunized): in the fourth case (p > 0.1 for preadapted infecting naïve), virulence of the ancestral line was already apparently near - maximal.
Our data are consistent with this idea, since mosquito transmission eliminated the difference between the I - lines and N - lines in immunized mice but not in naïve mice, suggesting that part of the virulence advantage in immunized hosts was due to novelty in the clonally variant surface antigens.
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