Sentences with phrase «immunologic response»

This round of immunologic responses can occur with each infected bite, as well as with death of each adult worm.2, 4
The American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) Symposium Immunologic Responses to Gene Therapy for Hemophilia Saturday, May 5, 10:15 AM — 12:15 PM, Room 19AB Chairs: Federico Mingozzi, INSERM, Univ. of Pittsburgh Med.
But vaccines also contain adjuvants — agents that stimulate your immune system to greatly increase immunologic response to the vaccine — and one of the most toxic is aluminum.
The distemper and parvo vaccine titers showed adequate immunologic response, indicating that my dog was still protected against these diseases, most likely from her previous round of vaccinations.»
This could explain their poor immunologic response to revaccination as adults.
Immunologic responses may range from classic allergic mast cell activation to immune complex formation.
Food dyes have all kinds of strange effects on children, including disrupting behavior like hyperactivity, immunologic responses, anxiety, headaches, and sleep disturbance.
Data also show that there was a wide variation in the magnitude of cholesterol reduction that patients achieved with bococizumab, even among patients who did not develop the immunologic response.
On November 1, 2016, the entire SPIRE clinical trials program was stopped when the sponsor, Pfizer, who manufactures bococizumab, discontinued the development of the drug when initial results from the LDL cholesterol lowering trials indicated that some trial participants had developed anti-drug antibodies, an immunologic response to the drug.
Researchers report that the only substantial difference in safety outcomes between the placebo and bococizumab groups was injection site reactions, which is also the result of the immunologic response in some patients.
«We believe that the attenuation of LDL lowering over time in the treatment group was likely due to the fact that bococizumab, a humanized antibody, led to an immunologic response in some patients.
Genetic sequencing technologies are furthering our understanding of how human and pathogen genomic factors - and their interactions - contribute to individual differences in immunologic responses to vaccines, infections and drug therapies.
This particular enzyme can actually cross the gut barrier, and attract dangerous bacteria, possibly leading to an immunologic response.
Pruritus or itching is one of the cardinal signs of allergic dermatitis whereby proteinaceous molecules on the surface of substances inadvertently trigger an immunologic response in dogs.
It means that the main problem is in the genes of the dog itself and not in an immunologic response.
Being novel proteins, your dog's immune system will not mount an immunologic response typically seen in protein products that dogs have been constantly sensitized to.
Dogs that have skin allergies are usually given antihistamines to help relieve the itching while others will be given more powerful steroids to help tame the immunologic response.
While adulticide thiacetarsamide treatment is well tolerated by cats without immediate complications, the arrival of dead worms and worm fragments in the pulmonary vasculature causes an immunologic response that results in significant pulmonary edema within 2 days of the initial injection.
The reactions can be true allergies (involving an immunologic response) or non-immunologic (food poisoning, reactions to toxins or additives in the food).
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