Sentences with phrase «impact models indicating»

The reigning impact model indicates that Charon is made mostly of impactor material.

Not exact matches

Our model indicates that going forward, long - term yields will likely be subject to three upward pressures: (1) Our forecasted increase in inflation will boost nominal GDP growth; (2) As forward guidance is replaced by a data - dependent monetary tightening, volatility in short rates will increase; and (3) As the impact of QE on the Treasury market fades, long - term yields will trend back to their historical link with nominal GDP growth.
«Martian moons model indicates formation following large impact: New models predict that Phobos, Deimos compositions will be similar to Mars but dry.»
Although only one concentration of insecticide was added to the tanks, the model indicated that lower concentrations in ponds would still have substantial impacts on parasite transmission.
Terrestrial planet formation models indicate Earth went through a sequence of major growth phases: accretion of planetesimals and planetary embryos over many tens of millions of years; a giant impact that led to the formation of our Moon; and then the late bombardment, when giant asteroids, dwarfing the one that presumably killed the dinosaurs, periodically hit ancient Earth.
But the discovery suggests impacts from climate change will be worse, and that they will get worse more quickly than earth models had previously indicated.
«Although there are uncertainties in the model results,» says Emmons, «they indicate that lightning has a far - reaching and significant impact on tropospheric chemistry.»
To account for demographic differences that might impact social network structure, our model also included binary predictor variables indicating whether subjects in each dyad were of the same or different nationalities, ethnicities, and genders, as well as a variable indicating the age difference between members of each dyad.
Also, for those interested, on page 41 of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Synthesis Report, is found a description of their Key Finding # 2 which includes the statement «Climate models indicate that the local warming over Greenland is likely to be one to three times the global average.»
Transport and lifetime of atmospheric particles simulated by a quasi-global process model indicates how these particles impact the regional US western states
In circunstances where these factors combine — planting trees as carbon offsets above the lcal tree line at high latitudes, modeling indicates that the radiative forcing impact can outwigh the benefits of carbon sequestration = cf
Animal studies, mainly models which test the impact of aerobic exercise, indicate that various mechanisms are responsible for these effects.
Extensive sensitivity analyses indicate that, while differences between model frameworks and alternative parameter choices make a difference, the economic impact of improved educational outcomes remains enormous.
Developed by Public Impact, an educational consulting organization based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, the model was inspired by research indicating that top teachers — as measured by student growth — facilitate up to three times more learning for their students as other teachers.
In the side impact test for both models, measures taken from both the driver dummy and the passenger dummy seated in the rear seat indicated low risk of significant injuries in a real - world crash like this one.
Also, for those interested, on page 41 of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Synthesis Report, is found a description of their Key Finding # 2 which includes the statement «Climate models indicate that the local warming over Greenland is likely to be one to three times the global average.»
The next concern is the further impact of the strong El Niño, which climate models indicates will cause bleaching in the Indian and southeastern Pacific Oceans after the new year.
For this purpose, we instructed them to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with statements such as «the scientists who did the study were biased,» «computer models like those relied on in the study are not a reliable basis for predicting the impact of CO2 on the climate,» and «more studies must be done before policymakers rely on the findings» of the study etc..
The overall level of consistency between attribution results derived from different models (as shown in Figure 9.9), and the ability of climate models to simulate large - scale temperature changes during the 20th century (Figures 9.5 and 9.6), indicate that such model differences are likely to have a relatively small impact on attribution results of large - scale temperature change at the surface.
Results from various assessments of impacts of climate change on agriculture based on various climate models and SRES emissions scenarios indicate certain agricultural areas that may undergo negative changes.
In summary, then, the best available models indicate that 1) global warming is a problem that is expected to have only a limited impact on the world economy and 2) it is economically rational only to reduce slightly this marginal impact through global carbon taxes.
In contrast, climate models, useless as they may be in other respects, can at least pretend to indicate specific impacts on the world, from which direct inferences may be made about effects on humans and the environment.
Despite this significant model shortcoming affecting all climate models, more empirical evidence is being accumulated by both satellites and climate experts that indicate clouds have a much greater impact on temperatures than CO2 levels in the atmosphere than previously understood.
«In 1994, Nature magazine published a study of mine in which we estimated the underlying rate at which the world was warming by removing the impacts of volcanoes and El Niños (Christy and McNider 1994)... The result of that study indicated the underlying trend for 1979 - 1993 was +0.09 °C / decade which at the time was one third the rate of warming that should have been occurring according to estimates by climate model simulations.»
Indeed, strong observational evidence and results from modeling studies indicate that, at least over the last 50 years, human activities are a major contributor to climate change.Direct human impact is through changes in the concentration of certain trace gases such as carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, and water vapor, known collectively as greenhouse gases.
«Climate science» as it is used by warmists implies adherence to a set of beliefs: (1) Increasing greenhouse gas concentrations will warm the Earth's surface and atmosphere; (2) Human production of CO2 is producing significant increases in CO2 concentration; (3) The rate of rise of temperature in the 20th and 21st centuries is unprecedented compared to the rates of change of temperature in the previous two millennia and this can only be due to rising greenhouse gas concentrations; (4) The climate of the 19th century was ideal and may be taken as a standard to compare against any current climate; (5) global climate models, while still not perfect, are good enough to indicate that continued use of fossil fuels at projected rates in the 21st century will cause the CO2 concentration to rise to a high level by 2100 (possibly 700 to 900 ppm); (6) The global average temperature under this condition will rise more than 3 °C from the late 19th century ideal; (7) The negative impact on humanity of such a rise will be enormous; (8) The only alternative to such a disaster is to immediately and sharply reduce CO2 emissions (reducing emissions in 2050 by 80 % compared to today's rate) and continue further reductions after 2050; (9) Even with such draconian CO2 reductions, the CO2 concentration is likely to reach at least 450 to 500 ppm by 2100 resulting in significant damage to humanity; (10) Such reductions in CO2 emissions are technically feasible and economically affordable while providing adequate energy to a growing world population that is increasingly industrializing.
Thirdly, a substantial portion of the economic impact (previous modelling exercises indicate around one third) is due not to Australia's carbon abatement policies but to the actions of other countries.

The modeling indicates that, even absent the mitigating allocation measures, total annual emission leakage to unregulated countries associated with a cap - and - trade program & rsquo; s impacts on the international competitiveness of domestic & ldquo; trade - vulnerable & rdquo; industries is likely to be only on the order of 10 MMTCO2e.

And to drive home this point, climate models indicate that if the U.S. were to reduce its emissions by 80 % the impact on U.S. temps would be a measly 0.075 °C reduction - the Asian pollutant warming overwhelms the reduction due to less CO2.
Main Advanced Climate Model Research Indicates Cosmic / Solar Impacts On Climate & Clouds Much Greater Than Older IPCC Models Guessed»
Model calculations (Orr et al. 2005) indicate that a decrease in carbonate mineral saturation states is occurring throughout the global open ocean and will impact the polar oceans first (Orr et al. 2005).
In circunstances where these factors combine — planting trees as carbon offsets above the lcal tree line at high latitudes, modeling indicates that the radiative forcing impact can outwigh the benefits of carbon sequestration = cf
But as the WHO models indicate, these intricacies and factors all interconnect, and a more effective legal system would be reformulated to ameliorate unnecessary stress and health impacts, properly account for resolution which does not require adversarial positioning.
As for how it will impact the Bloq business model, today focused on enterprise services, Garzik and co-founder Matt Roszak indicated they believe the project is consistent with the firm's «multi-token, multi-network» vision for blockchain development.
The results for pubertal status and age are strikingly similar, indicating that after controlling for the effect of all the other variables in the regression model, the impact of life events on depression is significantly greater in the pubertal girls (sex × pubertal status [age] × life events interaction).
Five percent indicated that it would not impact their decision to accept as they use an earlier version of the model, while 35 % deferred to their investor's model or that of the GSEs.
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