Sentences with phrase «impact on cloud formations»

«Huge amounts of aerosols from Asia go as high as six miles up in the atmosphere and these have an unmistakable impact on cloud formations and weather.»
And what has the greater impact on cloud formation: CO2, or the Sun?
It has been hypothesized that galactic cosmic rays (GCR) create atmospheric ions which facilitates aerosol nucleation and new particle formation with a further impact on the cloud formation (Kazil et al., 2012; Pierce and Adams, 2009).

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This supports the idea that a young planetary system can inherit the chemical composition of its parent star - forming cloud and opens up the possibility that organohalogens could arrive on planets in young systems during planet formation or via comet impacts.
So even if cosmic rays are linked to cloud formation, all they'll find is the cloud formation 50 years ago is similar to now and has little to no impact on the last 30 years of long term global warming.
As far as the overall heat balance is concerned, these are all negligible (some of them may of course have other effects — such as on cloud formation — that have a significant indirect impact on the heat balance).
Zerefos, C.S., K. Eleftheratos, D.S. Balis, P. Zanis, G. Tselioudis, and C. Meleti, 2003: Evidence of impact of aviation on cirrus cloud formation.
Topics that I work on or plan to work in the future include studies of: + missing aerosol species and sources, such as the primary oceanic aerosols and their importance on the remote marine atmosphere, the in - cloud and aerosol water aqueous formation of organic aerosols that can lead to brown carbon formation, the primary terrestrial biological particles, and the organic nitrogen + missing aerosol parameterizations, such as the effect of aerosol mixing on cloud condensation nuclei and aerosol absorption, the semi-volatility of primary organic aerosols, the importance of in - canopy processes on natural terrestrial aerosol and aerosol precursor sources, and the mineral dust iron solubility and bioavailability + the change of aerosol burden and its spatiotemporal distribution, especially with regard to its role and importance on gas - phase chemistry via photolysis rates changes and heterogeneous reactions in the atmosphere, as well as their effect on key gas - phase species like ozone + the physical and optical properties of aerosols, which affect aerosol transport, lifetime, and light scattering and absorption, with the latter being very sensitive to the vertical distribution of absorbing aerosols + aerosol - cloud interactions, which include cloud activation, the aerosol indirect effect and the impact of clouds on aerosol removal + changes on climate and feedbacks related with all these topics In order to understand the climate system as a whole, improve the aerosol representation in the GISS ModelE2 and contribute to future IPCC climate change assessments and CMIP activities, I am also interested in understanding the importance of natural and anthropogenic aerosol changes in the atmosphere on the terrestrial biosphere, the ocean and climate.
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