Sentences with phrase «impact on global warming»

Therefore, if anyone claims to be part of the 97 percent, it means they disagree with the contrarian argument that humans are having a minimal impact on global warming.
What first made you suspect that changes in the sun are having a significant impact on global warming?
It also has by far the biggest impact on global warming, and ocean acidification.
If anyone claims to be part of the 97 %, it means they disagree with the contrarian argument that humans are having a minimal impact on global warming.
Many people argue that 50 years is simply too long to have any significant impact on global warming.
«If parents use 24 nappies and follow manufacturers» instructions to wash at 60 degrees C [140 degrees Fahrenheit] using an A-rated washing machine, they will have approximately 24 percent less impact on global warming than the report says,» said WEN's Ann Link.
«IPCC Climate Models Underestimate Solar Impact On Global Warming By 6x, EU Astro - Physicists Discover Main Newt's Candidacy, D.O.A.?
C13 also counted as «reject AGW» abstracts that: «Implies humans have had a minimal impact on global warming without saying so explicitly, e.g., proposing a natural mechanism is the main cause of global warming».
The study also detected methane emissions — which can have a much larger impact on global warming than carbon dioxide — across all plots, even controls, but emissions were highest for the warmed plots.
Researchers argue that tropical reservoirs in Brazil are a «methane factory, continuously removing carbon from the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and returning it as methane, with a much greater impact on global warming
If Houlton's finding about these vast, previously unknown nitrogen stores holds true, then it would have an enormous impact on global warming predictions.
If Houlton's finding about these vast, previously unknown nitrogen stores holds true, then it would have an enormous impact on global warming predictions.
Ammann 2007, Lockwood 2007, Foukal 2006, Scafetta 2006, Usoskin 2005 and many other papers (here is a more comprehensive list) all find the sun has had a minimal impact on global warming over the past 30 years.
The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change released a study presenting the human impact on global warming as greatly exaggerated.
Additionally, excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizer has a significant negative impact on global warming, due to agriculture's contribution of non-carbon dioxide emissions.
If the trend continues, the dramatic changes in energy use in the United States — in particular, the switch from coal to newly abundant natural gas for generating electricity — will have only a modest impact on global warming, observers warn.
Carbon is important, both due to its growing impact on global warming and because it leaves long - lived geological traces.
In order to address that shortcoming I have adapted data for RGGI emissions in Table 2 RGGI 30 % Reduction Impact on Global Warming from the analysis in Analysis of US and State - By - State Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Potential «Savings» In Future Global Temperature and Global Sea Level Rise.
The nations that have pledged to voluntary reductions (EU, Australia, New Zealand) would have no discernable impact even if they shut down completely and there have been no actionable proposals by anyone, which if implemented now would cause a discernable impact on global warming by 2100.
«Black Carbon's Huge Impact On Global Warming - A Quick and Easy Fix That Radical Environmentalists & Politicians Refuse To Address Main Another «Consensus» Science Fact Is Found To Be Wrong By Newer Scientific Research - Current Consensus Is Almost Always Wrong»
«Ecological treaties should seek to curb emissions of sulpher dioxide, nitrogen oxides, heavy metals and other highly - toxic pollutants instead of targeting carbon dioxide, which is a non-toxic gas whose impact on global warming has not been proved,» says Dr. Golubchikov.
Exxon's Kearl Module Transportation Project (KMTP) and TransCanada's Keystone XL Pipeline will have direct impacts on Montana and drastic impacts on global warming and the environment.
Motor vehicles are the largest net contributor to global warming and cars actually have a larger per mile impact on global warming than planes!
As a result, building out natural gas — or so - called «cleaner» fuel options — to replace coal plants would have a near indistinguishable impact on global warming over the next century.
Last 100 Years of CO2 & Temperatures: The IPCC's HadCRUT Data Confirms CO ²'s Small Impact On Global Warming
The EPA acknowledges no obligation to demonstrate either that heavy - truck GHG emissions alone harm public health and welfare or that regulating MY 2014 - 2018 heavy - truck GHG emissions would have a major impact on global warming.
If Obama really wants to make a lasting impact on global warming, he can work across the aisle or across the Pacific in Beijing, to work toward implementing a meaningful, economy - wide carbon tax as quickly as possible.
Where contrails persist, cirrus clouds begin to form which have an additional impact on global warming.
It is Obama's last opportunity to make a significant impact on global warming after failing to push a sweeping climate change bill through Congress in his first term.
At NOAA's lab in Boulder, Colorado, chemist Steve Montzka leads the effort to monitor the concentration of CFC - substitutes and their potential impact on global warming.
In short, the project may, according to Fox News, «provide the means to «comparison shop» tax levels and tax incentives for a wide variety of economic and social activities on the basis of their alleged impact on global warming
Moreover, purists ignore the fact that a more radical program in Washington, even if approved, would have no direct impact on global warming.
«Those who argue in favor of wind usually say that they recognize local impact, that work should be done to protect endangered birds, and that wind power's positive impact on global warming trends will ultimately be good for birds,» said Eric Rosenbloom, president of National Wind Watch.
They dismiss this outright, insisting that expanding electricity access to this segment, even with fossil - fuel - based sources, would have only a minuscule impact on global warming.
Shall we wait for another 30 years to find out that our arrogant assumption about human impact on the global warming is absurd?

Phrases with «impact on global warming»

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