Sentences with phrase «impact peoples»

As a writer, nothing is more satisfying and affirming than when your writing positively impacts another person.
«Every lawyer goes to law school with high hopes for impacting people in need,» she says.
This is especially important in a country that was built upon racist systems that still negatively impact people of color today.
However, the pricing issue only impacts people who want to trade in real - time and those where the stock price changes dramatically in a short period of time.
Read and watch stories about our participants and learn about issues that impact people with disabilities.
Do they help you better understand how your choices impact people around the world and how you can make a difference by consciously choosing just actions?
However, a report by WHO released earlier this year stated that it was unlikely that the pesticide would negatively impact people consuming it small amounts as part of their normal diets.
Credit impacts peoples lives more than you would expect.
What happened in the lives of those who raised us has the potential to significantly impact the people we become.
It appears that the experiences of those developing years really do impact a person's understanding of everything in life and the surrounding world.
However, the more targeted you get, the higher the chance you have of really impacting people and speaking to their hearts.
Do you believe clothes can actually impact people on a subconscious level?
These effects will also impact the people who visit these sites and try to preserve them.
Whereas the focus is on the tip, the larger issues impacting the people the a school is composed of goes unnoticed.
When people take the time to encourage and compliment each other, they directly impact a person's or a group's motivation and interest in the task at hand.
The services cover all key areas which impact a person's ability to understand what their skills and interests are and to find the type of employment for which they are best suited.
A brain injury can severely impact a person's life.
However, it also greatly impacts people's way of living.
Critical illness not only impacts a person physically and mentally but also financially.
Divorce doesn't just impact the people going through it.
One missed payment on a credit card can dramatically impact a person's credit score.
That metric is a bit abstract to most people, so how will that amount of warming actually impact people's lives?
So, it's going to impact people across the range of things.
The ultimate measure of our success is how our programs impact people and their communities.
In those games, your choices impact the people around you and their opinion about you.
But fear isn't an equal opportunity emotion; bad news and weak stock markets impact people differently.
We recognize that domestic violence impacts people in all walks of life.
Such symptoms necessarily impact a person's daily life, sometimes extremely.
That is a massive impact each person can have and the process really is so simple.
We are always impacting the people that we come in contact with by our actions and attitudes.
How does learning about a candidate's views opinions impact people's votes?
The questions are designed to make students think about the huge impact people have on the planet.
We want to have fun and talk about comics in the way we want to talk about them — with an understanding that comics impact people.
These were very significant natural impacted people's homes and, as consequence, home insurance.
In each of the studies considered, the researchers looked at how the presence of a well - behaved dog impacted people's perception of others, and their tendencies toward cooperation.
Being assertive means you stand up for yourself and your beliefs without impacting another person.
A fast and fair transition away from fossil fuels to a renewable energy economy must protect the most vulnerable communities, including where that shift immediately impacts people and their city or state.
The facts and opinions expressed herein are intended to raise questions and awareness about fracking, pipelines, and the myriad related industry practices impacting people and the planet.
We understand how injuries impact people's lives, and how those injuries will impact their ability to earn a living and provide for their families in the future.
It could also impact people shopping for life insurance or those deciding whether they should hold on to their policies.
It will also impact people buying high end sports utility vehicles as these cars tend to be more expensive and now with hike in insurance premium, they will also face the heat.
Use the words that are most likely to impact the person reading your resume in a positive way.
Each job title is different and often impacts each person's paycheck.
My training as a social worker has given me the understanding of how both childhood and current life circumstances impact people.
When you own a business with a partner, your divorce will impact that person too.
PTSD impacts people in many ways and often their relationships are impacted by their past trauma.
The final study results demonstrate that flowers impact people emotionally at home, causing them to feel less anxious and more compassionate.
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