Sentences with phrase «impact the bottom line too»

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Customer service has a clear impact on a company's overall identity and bottom line, but too few businesses place enough focus on this critical consumer touch point.
Accidents in commercial kitchens are an all - too - common occurrence, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting nearly 200,000 food service industry injuries in a single year — accidents that often result in lost days of work, job transfer or other employee restrictions that all have a tremendously negative impact on a restaurant or hospitality business» bottom line.
Pros and Cons of Specialty Bars for Dynamic Waves discussing the impact of varying the the implement (the barbell) throughout different weekly cycles, bottom - line make sure you won't get confused by too much variation if you can't measure and monitor your workload.
Bottom line, I find crisper things like the definition of academic misconduct (Marcotts hockey stick), fact based full cost / benefit (impact of intermittency on grid stability), and Feynman's admonitions in Cargo Cult Science to be sufficient conduct guides without getting too deeply into murkier ethical considerations.
It's all about showing prospective employers what you're capable of achieving and enticing them with the impact you could have on their bottom line too.
Build in proof (with figures, percentages, and dollar amounts, when possible) that you have a history of impacting bottom line and will do so for your next employer too.
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