Sentences with word «impassivity»

God is the perfection of action - and - passion, who escapes the defectiveness of our passivity not by impassivity but by the all - inclusiveness, the catholicity, of his sensitiveness, which gives him the balance, the all - sidedness, the fairness, the justice, which are precisely what our passivity lacks.
Implicit in sexual dualism has been the notion of divine impassivity — the apathy of God.
He is not a cunning man or a cautious man; he is, for all his size and outward impassivity, a sensitive and emotional fellow who rages blindly in moments of self - doubt.
Balls» face was a picture of tortured impassivity.
When the strikingly patterned wallpaper in Vogel's house has more personality than anybody onscreen, it's a sign that the filmmaker may have taken deliberate impassivity a little too far.
His face relaxes, and Penn's directorial eye traces in detail its craggy impassivity, often positioned under a cap with a zany slogan on it: «No Bitching», a quirky, human touch which is somehow appropriate and inappropriate at the same time.
The protractors thus form a first salvo in the next, and not always loved, phase of Stella's career, in which minimal impassivity gives way to an unruly, sometimes outrageous merging of painting, sculpture and even architecture.
Dating from 1984 to 1994, the photographs are of landscapes across the world, all recorded with the same apparent impassivity.
Impassability is frequently equated with, and misinterpreted as, impassivity.
To put the same point in theological terms, the immutability and the impassivity of God are notions which hide from us the creative loving God.
However, the task of the church is not to re-enact their grief; the church's task is the objective witness of John, symbolized by his impassivity and the pointing finger.
Impassivity is not either metaphysical or moral excellence.
Newman's performance is deceptively stoic, his impassivity striking the correct tenor for the time, for his body of work to that point, and for the genre - perverting precedent set by Leone while predicting to a degree the darkness of Sam Peckinpah (as reflected in this exchange between Audra and a bandit she recognizes: «What are you doing here?»
The work of these prolific artists, both of whom have spent the last six decades photographing in a tirelessly serial manner, epitomises the dichotomy often found in Japanese culture: impassivity, restraint and deliberation coexisting with a subculture of uninhibited sexuality, eccentricity and decadence.
His depictions of often rather bleak scenes were intended to suggest human sentiments, especially loneliness and a sense of the impassivity of Nature.
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