Sentences with phrase «impish smile»

The older I get the more I love elemental things: leaves shimmering in the breeze at sunset; morning coffee with my wife; a daughter's impish smile; cruising in the 1990 Subaru I bought from my dad, with the sunroof open, my dad's spirit still in the car.
She flashed an impish smile, and responded, «Just normal.»
Love your impish smile, the expression on your face.
He simply flashes an impish smile to Joseph Cotten and skitters down the alley, his long shadow stretched across the walls behind him.
You looked around with an impish smile.
«You may see that game again,» Nintendo developer Shinya Takahashi told the site with an impish smile.
Though frail and stooped with age, San Francisco conceptual artist David Ireland flashes an impish smile, in keeping with his highly unconventional work.
Good old Bob with his dark Satanic beard and his impish smile.
Back to picking berries, but not without first noticing my Sweetie's quick wink and impish smile.
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