Sentences with phrase «implement effective assessment practices»

Teachers as leaders will examine ways to implement effective assessment practices throughout the school community.
Implementing effective assessment practices to inform teaching and determine intervention needs

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Other practices such as «formative assessment» and «feedback» are also sometimes identified as effective, although the meanings of these terms and the ways in which they are implemented tend to vary across research studies.
He has worked specifically with schools in implementing the following topics: prioritizing standards, common formative assessments, building authentic performance tasks, effective use of scoring guides, data teams, rigorous curriculum design, and effective grading practices.
Mack also oversees the Kaplan Learning Innovations team, which works with business units across Kaplan to implement evidence - based practices in the design and development of valid and reliable assessments and measurably effective instructional materials.
In working with schools attempting to implement effective formative assessment, the author and his colleagues have learned that the necessary changes in classroom practice, although often apparently quite modest, are actually difficult to achieve.
Support for implementation of the framework is provided to schools through assessment tools and the data obtained with those tools, an external facilitator, an internal leadership team, schoolwide efforts, and study groups that focus on implementing effective practices.
ORTIi helps school districts in Oregon implement sustainable RTI systems that efficiently organize effective assessment and instructional practices that support the educational needs of all students.
So, how do teachers best undertake learning about and adopting the new roles inherent in implementing effective formative assessment practices in their classrooms?
What emerged was the effective use of formative assessment practices that are learned collaboratively, context embedded, and sustained through coaching cycles support novice teachers in implementing new strategies.
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