Sentences with phrase «implement effective school»

The passage of the No Child Left Behind Act — with its emphasis on accountability for results, increased flexibility and options for schools and parents, and «doing what works» — creates new opportunities and a strong impetus to identify, select, and implement effective school improvement strategies.
Access resources to advocate and implement effective school breakfast programs.
Social media in schools is here to stay, so improve your school communications strategies by implementing an effective school social media platform.
This guide provides information critical to developing and implementing an effective school - level intervention program.
Specifically, we developed and implemented the Effective Schools Framework, generated comprehensive reports of findings, and facilitated strategic planning sessions that guided the development of targeted school improvement plans.
Choose from more than 300 concurrent sessions addressing the most pressing issues for education leaders including improving instruction, social - emotional learning, culturally responsive pedagogy, applying data - driven decision making, understanding professional development redesign, developing leadership capacity, learning facilitation skills, supporting new teachers and principals, implementing effective school improvement, and much more.

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«Schools need a provider to help them implement effective strategies to integrate online curriculum,» said the CEO, Sari Factor, in a press release.
From procurement and finance to menu development and lunchroom education, this online course series provides in - depth training on how to implement effective change in school food programs.
Good PR is essential for any successful school nutrition program, and can be particularly effective when implementing — or expanding — a school breakfast program.
The message of this great resource for schools, cooks and caterers has been spread through the UIFSM Roadshows, twitter and other effective means of communications to enable schools to have access to inspirational, practical examples of implementing UIFSM, improving the dining experience and many other aspects of school food.
She is responsible for expanding low - income student participation in the School Breakfast Program by providing technical assistance to targeted school districts in implementing effective strategies and models that result in increased breakfast consumSchool Breakfast Program by providing technical assistance to targeted school districts in implementing effective strategies and models that result in increased breakfast consumschool districts in implementing effective strategies and models that result in increased breakfast consumption.
My Hot Lunchbox is the most cost - effective, easy to implement solution for schools needing to offer the option of a daily hot lunch.
A panel of school nutrition professionals, whose programs are successfully serving healthy meals and snacks, reviewed the survey results and provided additional insights on effective approaches to implementing updated nutrition rules.
Leave the summit equipped with tools and resources to help advance your organization's mission, improve the safety of your school and implement effective safety policies to help reduce catastrophic injury and illness.
But as for water, schools are now going to have to provide drinking water in cafeterias, although implementing what seems like such a simple requirement is proving rocky for some schools and some are claiming that they need more time to figure out how to do it in a cost - effective way.
From procurement and finance to menu development and lunchroom education, this online course series provides in - depth training on how to implement effective change in school food programs.
The strategy was effective; nearly every school district implemented the evaluation system by Cuomo's January 2013 deadline, with New York City as a notable exception.
New York City implemented the plan for the first time last school year; according to Tuesday's data, about 92 percent of teachers were rated «effective» or «highly effective,» and just over 1 percent of teachers got the lowest rating, «ineffective.»
This will allow us to research obstructive sleep apnea in pregnant women more effectively, and to develop and implement more effective treatments,» said co-author Dr. Suzanne Karan, a visiting researcher at the Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical Center who is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Director of the Anesthesiology Respiratory Physiology Laboratory at the University of Rochester School of Medicine.
But the good news is that any school can adopt the elements needed for a top - quality science program — sufficient instructional time for well - trained teachers to implement a strong curriculum with effective assessments — if it allocates the necessary time, money, and effort.
«A major challenge is the difficulty of accurately diagnosing ASD, which is very heterogeneous, at an early enough age to implement the most effective treatment,» said principal investigator Eric Courchesne, PhD, professor of neurosciences and director of the Autism Center of Excellence at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.
CAMBRIDGE, MA — A new report on schools implementing blended, or «hybrid,» instructional methods — which integrate traditional face - to - face teaching with greater use of online instruction — are pointing the way toward more effective and efficient school models.
Is it too much to expect that we can create and implement effective strategies that would enable virtually all students to succeed on appropriate standards in elementary, middle, and high school, so that virtually all can meet rigorous requirements and walk across a stage, head held high, knowing that they truly attained what a high school diploma is supposed to certify?
Implementing an effective blended - learning program may require hiring outside help, visiting other school systems, or running semester - or year - long pilots to get teachers onboard.
National Schools of Character exemplify CEP's Eleven Principles, among them defining ««character» comprehensively to include thinking, feeling, and behavior»; implementing «a meaningful and challenging academic curriculum that respects all learners, develops their character, and helps them to succeed»; providing «students with opportunities for moral action»; and using «a comprehensive, intentional, proactive, and effective approach to character development.»
But alongside these strategies, we'll need effective methods of introducing and implementing them across all schools.
Rather than attempting to develop and implement solutions for defined student groups, a more effective strategy for closing achievement gaps may be to work to ensure that evidence - based best practice is implemented as widely as possible in every school and every classroom.
The goal of Leading 21st Century High Schools — being held on campus June 23 — 27 — is to help leaders cultivate effective teaching practices, enhance social dynamics, and implement innovative leadership approaches as key levers in the overall improvement of contemporary high sSchools — being held on campus June 23 — 27 — is to help leaders cultivate effective teaching practices, enhance social dynamics, and implement innovative leadership approaches as key levers in the overall improvement of contemporary high schoolsschools.
Supportive interventions can help some students, but these interventions are often implemented too late (after years of reading failure, despite evidence that taking action is most effective in kindergarten and first grade) and haphazardly (schools and teachers often do not know what can work for various types of students).
The Office of Special Education Programs of the U.S. Department of Education created and funds a PBIS technical center to disseminate information about effective school - wide disciplinary practices and provide support to schools and districts to implement them.
Flexible funding enables schools with more challenging populations to gain access to more resources so they can take needed steps such as reducing class size, hiring more experienced and effective teachers, and implementing other programs and services to support students with greater needs.
I hope the Bush administration will provide the resources needed to prepare teachers to implement effective teaching practices and develop an accountability approach that will promote effective teaching rather than teaching that will turn children off from learning before they even start school.
Headteacher, Chris Hill explains their path to implementing a successful learning platform: «Eastfield is a part of Northampton's Area Improvement Partnership (AIP), which was established to promote effective collaboration between schools in the area to raise educational standards.
A leading researcher in education, he is a speaker, trainer, and author of more than 30 books and 150 articles on topics such as instruction, assessment, writing and implementing standards, cognition, effective leadership, and school intervention.
In addition, Rob Tarn, the regional chief executive and national leader of education at Outwood Grange Academies Trust, will be sharing advice on «implementing effective measures to transform schools and improve learning outcomes».
It also became clear that liaising with other schools that had already successfully implemented tablet technology was an effective way to bolster confidence in the process at all levels, providing a clear «blueprint» for any roll out.
The Committee is currently inviting written submissions addressing the following topics: - The purpose of primary assessment and how well the current system meets this - The advantages and disadvantages of assessing pupils at primary school - How the most recent reforms have affected teaching and learning - Logistics and delivery of the SATs - Training and support needed for teachers and senior leaders to design and implement effective assessment systems - Next steps following the most recent reforms to primary assessment
Divided into multiple, and flexible sessions that can be administered according to your school's individual needs and schedule, this interactive professional development helps teachers and administrators understand and implement the inclusion model while developing effective co-teaching relationships.
«Conflict Resolution Education: A Guide to Implementing Programs in Schools, Youth - Serving Organizations, and Community and Juvenile Justice Settings,» a joint report from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, cites examples of effective conflict resolution programs.
Even with just 8,600 schools in need of improvement, it is not possible for state education agencies to develop and implement effective turnaround strategies, no matter how much money is available.
[That] then was used through an iterative professional learning and development program to work in a number of schools to try and implement that Effective Teaching Profile into classrooms.
Paris, an international expert on literacy, says: «In my experiences working with school improvement teams, every effective innovation had a deeply engaged principal who worked alongside teachers to understand and implement new techniques for teaching and learning.»
Nigel Gardener, Associate Deputy Headteacher at All Saints Catholic and Technology College, Dagenham, London, discusses the importance of implementing effective recruitment procedures in schools, and explains how schools can maximise the potential of their greatest resource resulting in significant benefits for the school as a whole.
provide staff ongoing, high - quality, job - embedded professional development that is aligned with the school's comprehensive instructional program and designed with school staff to ensure that they are equipped to facilitate effective teaching and learning and have the capacity to successfully implement school reform strategies;
provide staff ongoing, high - quality job - embedded professional development (e.g., regarding subject - specific pedagogy, instruction that reflects a deeper understanding of the community served by the school or differentiated instruction) that is aligned with the school's comprehensive instructional program and designed with school staff to ensure they are equipped to facilitate effective teaching and learning and have the capacity to successfully implement school reform strategies;
Effective March 2, 2014, the Department implemented the Regents action to eliminate traditional standardized assessments for use in K - 2 from the list of state - approved assessments for use in APPR plans for the 2014 - 15 school year and beyond.
These requirements reflect what research and practice demonstrate are central to implementing effective teacher - child relationships and learning experiences that promote children's growth and later school success, [115116117118119] and retain long - held Head Start philosophies that research continues to support.
At the heart of ISN is the mission: To encourage, embolden and empower people to design and implement effective inclusive schools, by sharing insights and best... Read More
Effective remedies to improve instruction, learning and school climate (including, e.g., decreases in bullying and harassment, use of exclusionary discipline practices, use of police in schools, and student referrals to law enforcement) for students enrolled are implemented in any school where the school as a whole, or any subgroup of students, has not met the annual achievement and graduation targets or where achievement gaps persist.
Response to Intervention has become widespread in schools throughout the country, and it can provide an effective model for addressing student needs when implemented effectively.
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