Sentences with phrase «implementation of the reforms»

It concludes that careful implementation of reform efforts are important to ensure that financial stability benefits are realized.
While there, I represented the district on education reform efforts undertaken by the superintendent, such as changing educational programs and implementation of reforms at the school.
The health service could face higher costs, struggle with emergencies and be undermined by a rushed implementation of reforms, the NHS risk register has warned.
The lack of vital data, the committee said, made implementation of the reforms too risky.
The royal commission has made it clear that bank implementation of reforms to protect customers has been too slow.
Key finding 1: Despite criticism of the pay reforms from some teachers, implementation of the reforms appears to have gone smoothly for most schools.
Local school boards sit at the intersection of policy and implementation of reform initiatives.
He stressed that the three months salaries were approved and released in addition to the retirement benefits of the workers affected by the ongoing implementation of the reforms in the tertiary education sector of the state.
Foreign businesses and China's trading partners have long complained about a lack of implementation of reforms announced years earlier, and that outside firms continue to face unofficial restrictions even after some sectors have ostensibly been opened up.
The package of funding announced today includes # 29 million to support councils and their local partners to continue pressing ahead with implementation of the reforms to the SEND system and # 9.7 million to establish local supported internship forums, which will create work placements for young people with SEND to provide them with the skills and confidence they need to move into paid work.
Every winning state postponed its deadlines for implementation of the reforms.
When growth is most needed, when a country is suffering from excessively high levels of debt, it is hard to find many cases in which the aggressive implementation of reforms led to growth rates fast enough for the debtor to grow its way out of debt.
The Federal Reserve is working to address financial stability concerns through increased monitoring, a more systemic approach to supervising financial firms, and the ongoing implementation of reforms to make the financial system more resilient.»
«They are however pleased to learn that the Presidential candidates had agreed to attend a session with the Electoral Commission on implementation of the reforms and the transparency of the electoral processes on December 1, 2016.»
Most recently, negative sentiment has focused on China's debt level, slowing growth and sluggish implementation of reforms.
Entitled, An Assessment of the Current Implementation of Reform and Proposals for Next Steps, the unique aspect of this document is the fact that CFTC Chair J. Christopher... Read More
The Queen's Speech should be scrapped this year and replaced with thorough implementation of reforms to parliament, Nick Clegg said this morning.
He stressed that effective implementation of the reforms in the public sector would reduce cost of governance, eliminate wastages, blocking of wastage among others.
But he will also appoint four of seven members of a new oversight body that will have the power to reject contracts and fire school - board employees who impede implementation of the reforms.
Vesilind and Jones (1998), in a study of changes in science teachers» practice in a school reform initiative, found that teacher leaders and their principals held different goals for classroom instruction and that this contributed to inconsistent implementation of reform practices in classrooms.
Several studies mention the role of business and civic leaders in pressuring and mobilizing the initiation of serious reforms, however, the participation of these external stakeholders is less well documented during the actual implementation of reform plans.
Poland is leading a blocking minority against early implementation of the reforms.
IEA Commends Russian Efforts on Energy Security, Calls for a Full Implementation of Reforms 6 March 2002
While implementation of the reforms will be up to the Law Societies, and the acceptability of our analysis awaits the judgment's of the courts in adjudicating conflicts cases, one important part of the Report is a Toolkit of conflicts management materials which is available for use by Canadian lawyers right now... [more]
In the early days of implementation of these reforms, people are worried — even more than they were before the JOBS Act, it seems3 — on whether they might trip accidently into conduct that could be deemed «general solicitation.»
Cameron joined Education Pioneers to expand his leadership skills and gain further knowledge around the conception and implementation of reform efforts at educational organizations.
In districts where there was a perceived need for teacher involvement at the district level — either due to administrative support or lack of it — those roles included the active seeking and implementation of reforms at the district level.
Part of the problem with the rushed implementation of this reform is that there was never sufficient opportunity for schools to carefully examine and critique the standards themselves.
On the positive side, the government deserves high marks for its implementation of reforms to the Competition Act as well as copyright and intellectual property regimes.
In our view, the immediate question is whether Macron can build a parliamentary majority to support the implementation of his reform program.
However, Varufakis» strategy already failed in previous negotiations with the Eurogroup, as the agreements signed with Eurozone countries stipulate that Greece will not be granted any further payments before the end of April, and they would be conditioned by a successful evaluation of the implementations of reforms announced by the Tsiprasled Greek government.
«Implementation of these reforms, along with ongoing evaluation of export processes and identification of further opportunities for improvement may assist the Department of Agriculture to develop a more efficient and cost effective system for ensuring welfare of exported livestock,» the report said.
It supported the «principles» of the benefit cap, a spokesman said, but challenged the implementation of the reforms.
At stake was an amendment by Labour peer Lord Hart of Chilton to the electoral registration and administration bill, suggesting exactly what the Liberal Democrats are after: that the implementation of the reforms are delayed until the 2020 elections, not the 2015 ones.
Nor can we avoid continued discussion about the implementation of reforms following Collins» recommendations being accepted by the Spring Conference.
«Implementation of these reforms would not only improve rental conditions for tenants, but also help to build the reputation and professionalism of landlords.
The spokesperson added it would have been the «wrong thing to do» to push ahead with the implementation of the reform and then be faced with having to «retrofit the IT» and suffer «large - scale disruption».
Board of Regents chancellor Merryl Tisch, who was King's ally as they together led implementation of reforms, including raising standards, said last December that she expected the next commissioner to follow in King's footsteps.
Contrary to expectations, the researchers found little evidence that incentives were used to drive changes in health behavior or implementation of the reforms.
However, the relative inflexibility of the new Kalman training system for medics makes the implementation of the reforms that would be necessary difficult.
Each school was allowed to develop its own approach to deal with the implementation since no single approach was believed to meet the needs of each school across Quebec... In 2000, all schools, both elementary and secondary, participated in some way to the development of the implementation of the reform despite the fact that it did not affect all levels of schooling at the time.
The year prior to the implementation in Elementary Cycle 1, teachers, principals and government officials began the task of preparing the implementation of the reform.
Prior to his work at Delivery Associates, he was a co-founder and K - 12 Director at the Education Delivery Institute (EDI), a nonprofit that focuses on helping education leaders to improve the implementation of their reforms.
We find that grade 2 students, 8 years after the implementation of the reform, no longer seem to experience a significant negative effect... The reform being ambitious, it is possible that it took a fair number of years for teachers to develop the necessary skills to fully deploy all aspects of the reform.
All pupils are due to study for the new qualifications from the 2015/16 school year on, but teaching unions have raised concerns about the implementation of the reforms and their impact on teacher workload.
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